I'm Drowning

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Finally having the feeling return to my legs. I move my hands up and rest on them. Pulling out of Kaira hearing that wet slurping sound makes me began to harden again. But someone is still knocking on the door. Leaning down I kiss my love.

"I love you baby," I tell her. "So damn much."

Rolling out of the bed. I feel my body start to return to normal. The receding tingles shooting down my spine. I look for a something to throw on. Spotting a pair of sweats, I throw them on with a sports bra. Running down the stairs, I almost can't stop and run into the door. Grabbing the knob, I fling the door open to reveal a very rumpled looking Adit.

She looks a hot mess. Like a real hot fucking mess. She dreads are down and basically all over the place. She clothes are wrinkled and that's saying something because she is in sweats and a sports bra. Her eyes are dull like she hasn't slept in weeks. She is a completely different person than the one I was with all day yesterday and last night.

"Are you ok?" I ask her.

She nods and gestures with her head inside the house. I step back and let her in. As she is passing by me, she hands me the books that I left in her car. I glance down at them then back at her. Her back if pretty fucked up. I can pretty much guess with 100% accuracy what Adit was doing last night. She walks into the living room, throwing herself down on the sofa. Before I can get a word out soft snores can be heard from her.

What the fuck is really going on?

"Love who is at the door?" Kaira asks me from upstairs.

Looking at Adit one more time before turning and heading towards the stairs. I turn and look at her again as I make my way up them.

"Adit," I tell her as I enter the bedroom.

"What did she want?"

"Um, she handed me the books I left her car and then immediately preceded to fall asleep on the sofa downstairs." I say sounding as confused as I feel. "Her back is all scratched up like she had a fun night or day."

"Sounds about right," Kaira tells me, rolling over wanting to me lay down beside. "Ezzy says that's about what Adit does. Parties hard and sleeps around. Then she eventually crashes. Should I call Ezzy to come and get her?"

I think about what Kaira has just said then I go back to the conversation in the car. Shaking my head about Adit then answering Kaira.

"No, let her sleep it off."

Getting up I go to the bathroom and start the shower. I go grab Kaira and take her in there with me. Washing her then myself, I rinse us off then turn the shower off. We both brush our teeth. I see Kaira yawn from the corner of my eye.

"You need to eat something first. Then we can take a nap if you want," I tell her. "You did just get done wearing my out."

"Not hungry, tired." She pouts.

"Eat some toast or something babe."


Guiding her into the bedroom, I leave her by the bed while I search for clothes for us to put on. I find one of my t shirts and put it on her. She is so tired she can barely keep her head up. Quickly throwing on shorts and a tank, I run downstairs to the kitchen and search for something quick that she can eat.

Opening the freezer, I find waffles. Popping two into the toaster and grabbing a banana from the basket. I walk to the fridge getting the butter and grape jelly out. Oddly enough this is how Kaira likes her waffles even when she wasn't pregnant. I go ahead and slice the banana up while the waffles toast. Once the pop up, I slather butter on them and then the grape jelly. Lining the banana slices on top. I grab a juice for her and take her breakfast upstairs.

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