Blinded but Not by the Light

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"I understand why you did what you did. The decision that you had to make. The decision you did make. I think with everything we have been telling with the past few weeks. Us being us to us learning that our past is entwined. That feeling that we didn't make up our own choices. I mean look we are having a child together and with our lifespan we have really been together for how long."

You know that feeling when you are spooked. The quick shock into your system. The moment when your adrenaline kicks in. I know what she is saying and she is right I have been wondering.

"I understand babe. The thought of someone manipulating our feelings for each other would be devastating, especially with a child on the way." I look at it before dropping down on my knees in front of her. "But I know my feelings for you are real. Nobody cast any spell on me. I fell in love with you. Hard and pure from first sight. I knew you had to be mine as I was yours. What we have and share isn't lust babe. It never has been.

And I know you are hurting from everything and everyone and I am so sorry for causing you more hurt and pain. For giving you a reason to question my love and honor for you. I thought you finding out about your parents on top of everything with Ezzy would be too much for you."

She sighs and looks in my direction, reaching out she cups my face and brings my lips to hers. Kissing me softly.

"I know you did love. And I thank you for it but I needed more from you. I needed my wife, my best friend and my biggest supporter. I know our love is true and strong. I just feel we need to take a step back," she says.

"Tell me straight Kaira," I say moving back away from her. "Are you trying to end us? End what we have?"

"No, I just think with everything that has happened and is happening we need to learn one another again. We have lived far too comfortable with each other. And there are threats, so many new threats not only to our lives but to us as individuals," she tells me, reaching out for me again.

I stay still though. All I can do is rub my face. I know what she is saying is the truth but I still can't picture not having her in my life every day and every which way. Waking up to her, going to sleep next to her, bathing and making love. You name it we did it.

My body jolts awake from what I wish was just a dream but it wasn't. It was a reenactment of my last time with Kaira. When she came by to check on Adit a few days ago. You would think after an entire weekend of drinking and smoking Adit would be down but nope not the case. She was as vibrant as ever.

I look at the clock and see it's just after 2 a.m. My body is nagging me with the need for rehydration. Getting up, I walk downstairs. And I am met by a sight I never wished to see. A naked woman sitting on top of an equally naked Adit, riding her as if she is trying to reach the gates of heaven.

"O, chert voz'mi, Adi da(OH fuck Adi yes)," she moans. "Pryamo tam, detka(Right there baby)."

"ROOMIE," Adit yells looking over the woman's shoulder.

"Chto za khernya(WHAT THE FUCK)," the woman yells stopping her ride to glory.

"Nikto ne govoril tebe ostanavlivat'sya. Prodolzhay yezdit' na etom chlene.(Nobody told you to stop. Keep riding this dick)." Adit says slapping her ass and thrusting up rather harshly. I don't know what Adit has said but I can guess the just of it as the woman resumes her ride. Adit's eyes lock onto mine as she smiles. "I know you are married and in a committed relationship so I won't ask you if you want to join. But you are more than free to watch. Here I'll give you a better view."

She taps the woman's thigh and she gets up. I have just seen more of Adit than I have ever wanted to. Her hand goes around the woman's neck and I tell she is squeezing. She brings the woman's ear to her lips and starts to whisper to her. "Povernis(Turn around)"

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