What The Future Holds

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Wh...wh....why... WHY THE FUCK DUDE???


Looking at Kaira like she has lost her great given mind.

"You.. you want me to what?" That's about all I can get out because I really don't know what to say.

The moment I get back to the house. Me and Adit having parted ways at her mini mansion. Kaira has been bombarding me with questions and answers.

"Love she shouldn't be alone right now," she looks at me.

"Since when did you become team Adit?"

She smirks a little. "Since today I got to see what she was trying to tell me when you and I separated." Her eyes search mine. "Everything she said to me was her story. I get why she fought so hard against my decision. I understand a lot now. So please baby go chill with Adit."

I am so utterly confused but ok guess I'm going to go spend time with Adit. I nod my head at her. "You will explain all this to me eventually right?"

"Yes love," she says standing and walking over to kiss me. "She may kidnap you for the night."

I somberly look at her. Then sigh resigning to my faith for now. In all honesty I'm not really against going hanging out with Adit. She was there for me when Kaira and I was going through it. I just don't know what to say to her or how to go about things right now with her.

Shit I still have to apologize for fighting her. I know in my heart of hearts she wouldn't have tried anything with Kaira. She was just pushing me to it. Ok she played my anger against me. My possessive nature when it comes down to Kaira. Tall heifer played me like a fiddle. But I do owe her an apology.

Wrapping my arms around Kaira, I kiss her back. "You win." Kissing her again, picking her up by her ass cheeks. She wraps her legs around me, running her fingers through my dreads. "What are you going to do with yourself if she kidnaps me?" Taking her bottom lip between my teeth and tugging on it.

"I will be at the hospital," she says pulling my shirt up. "I have some lab work to go through."

Turning and navigating my way to the stairs, I head to the bed after kicking the door shut behind me. 

Time for daily injections.


Raising my hand to knock on the door, of the home, I once shared with Adit. It opens. 

"Why am I never surprised to see you?" Adit mumbles, turning on her heel. She leaves the door open for me to enter. "This is your home too." Looking briefly over her shoulder. "You don't need to knock."

Following her into the living room, where she has 2K loaded. Only....

Is that???

No it can't be..

She is playing on the PS5. How??

"How are you playing on the PS5. I have been trying for weeks," 

She starts to unpause her game. Turning to smile at me. "Everyone here has one."

"No they don't."

"Yes they do puppy."

"Adit I don't have one."

"Yes you do." She cheeses. "This one is yours.  Mine is upstairs. And then Kaira's is in the game room." She smiles even bigger. "YAAYYYY."  She nods towards the other LAYZBOY. "Sit. Chill. Relax." She leans forward and grabs one of many rolled blunts from the table. She reaches down and a drawer opens from the table. It is a refrigerator. Grabbing cups then filling them with ice, she makes us a drink. "I expected you earlier but from the smell coming off of you, I can guess why you were delayed."

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