F*ck falling I fell

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It might as well be said that we were back to being inseparable after that day. Me trying my best to prove to her I was here and not going anywhere. Sometimes she would call me late at night just to make sure I didn't disappear again. I eventually sold my apartment and moved into a moderate sized house. I couldn't bare to keep staying in a place she kicked it with my ex best friend even if she never got sexual. Prior to my move I had already taken to sleeping in one of the guest rooms.

I know my love was still as pure as all get out so I never pressured her into doing anything she wasn't ready for. Short of some heavy kissing we didn't do much. Which is weirdly fine by me. I guess being my age sex takes the backseat on my list of priorities in a relationship now. Plus just being with her gives me immense pleasure. 

One thing about being with a blind woman is that I can actually be more myself than I normally could in life. Like the fact I don't require lights as I have perfect vision in the dark. So laying down on my sofa listening to The Green Hornet radio program with baby in my arms is the perfect date for me.  

 She is kissing me and rubbing her hands all over me. I'm kissing her with equal amounts of passion running my hands up and down her back and her legs. Cupping her neck to bring her closer to me. Her breathing is turning into pants and I can smell her arousal. I know she isn't ready to take things all the way but I am curious to see how far she is wanting to go. She takes my left hand in her right and places it on her breast. I gently start caressing and massaging her. Tweaking her nipples. She is moaning through her kisses into my mouth. The smell of her along with her sounds and taste are driving me to madness. I can feel her start to grind against me. I'm not even entirely sure if she realizes she is doing it. I test my limits and drop my other hand to her ass and give it a firm grip. She moans louder.

 "baby please" she begs.

"what do you want love?"

"i don't know" she says panting gently against my mouth

"do you trust me?"


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