The Runaway

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"I'm pregnant"

I would love to say i wooed that skirt off of her that very night but alas no didn't even come close. A slow budding friendship developed. Walking to class together. Talking on the phone at night. I would do anything to keep a smile on her face.

"i cant believe we did that." i say laughing. Now before your mind goes into the gutter continue to read.

"what jitterbug and jottin cleanses the soul." she says holding my arm as i guide her to the bar.

"two waters please" she requests looking in the direction of the bartender.

"that may be true but what do you call it when I'm doing the dancing?"

She tilts her head and gives me that trademark smirk before taking a sip of her water.

"you have any major plans tonight after this?"she ask.

"um no not really. Just going to go home probably end up on my couch playing music or i don't know.  My project for tech is already done you?" I respond.

"how is it you no problem in any classes while the rest of us lowly students struggle? And no no plans."

"you want to come over? You can chill stay the night if you want."

I can feel her looking at me staring deep in my soul as i make this suggestion. She walks closer to me slowly leans on me.

"maybe one day but not tonight." she says slowly standing up on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek.

"will you ever decide to be mine?" i respond moving my face so her lips grazes mine.

"maybe one day but not tonight." she drawls.

By all right at that point in our growing relationship other than playful flirting and occasional touches it should be OK for me to go out. I mean i do have needs that require attention but for some reason it feels like cheating.

"my dude, come on. Sabrina has been trying to talk to you for awhile now. You not with Kaira so whats the big issue?" Jazz argues. Again i might add for the the umpteenth time.

"Jazz I'm not feeling Sabrina. She just wants me funds and I'm not with that."

"Omari as true as that statement may be I believe she also wants your body."quips Jazz. "The girl was staring holes into you earlier and you paid no attention. "

"What can i say I'm spoken for." I reply as i reach for my phone already knowing who is calling.

"Yes ma'am" i answer.

"What are you doing tonight? Everyone is trying to hit the Square and even though its not my scene being student council president i have to at least show my face." Kaira gently whines on the other end.

"funny you should mention that Jazz is here now trying to convince me to at tend that very event."

"and who is Jazz trying to set you with for a date?"

Now again mind you i feel that this is a very loaded question one that no matter what is a setup for failure.

"Sabrina Waters."

"oh well if you have plans then i guess we will run into each other tonight."

"i never said i was going with her. I would prefer to go with you if you're asking."

"no don't do it." Jazz whispers vehemently shaking her head.

Running my fingers through my locks i wait for a response from the other end of my phone.

"would you really?"

"yes ma'am i would."

"Pick me up at 7"


"i can tell by that shit eating grin that you are taking Kaira." Jazz says while shaking her head.

"Oh shit I'm taking Kaira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i yell into the night.

"you're quiet tonight"  Kaira states. Holding my arm allowing me to guide us this night.

"just enjoying the company the atmosphere."

I look down at her and softly caress my lips against hers. Gently rubbing our foreheads together  I inhale her scent. That sweet vanilla and coconut milk. I trail my bottom lip across hers. She kisses me back with the same softness and slight intensity. She tastes the way waterfalls run. Cool sweet wild and free. If I had it bad before so help me now. Feeling her sucking at my bottom lip.

"oh wow" I can only murmur.

"yea that was nice" she smirks.

In 77 years I could never remember being kissed so sweetly. I was in love. i had completely lost myself going head over heels for this young woman. The feeling I have spent the last several decades came crashing upon me. It hurts physically I had to grab my chest and take a deep breath. Only for my senses  to go into overdrive when I breathe her in. I want to claim her as she has claimed me.

Fear over takes me thinking of the great tragedy of life. To feel this deeply for someone and know it can't last. So I do what I do best. I run and hide. 

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