Lovin Her

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After cutting the water on I stand in front the mirror looking at myself. Other than the added muscle I'm pretty much the same. But something has taken place within  me. I'm feeling overly masculine right now. I guess taking a literal evolutionary jump forward is better than taking one backwards. Stepping under the spray I can hear Kaira moving around in the bedroom. Her foot steps bringing her closer to me. The whisper of the door opening along with the breeze tells me she is in the room. I open the sliding the door and grab her pulling her under the spray with me. Kissing her hungrily. She wraps her legs around me and kisses me with equal if not more passion.

"you want me?" 


Placing my hands under her thighs I press my body into her. She grinds herself against my stomach.I hold her against the wall and feel her shiver when her back makes contact. Lifting her higher I place her legs over my shoulders and dive into her pussy. She is popping her pussy on my tongue. I drive me tongue deeper into her and feel her walls squeeze. Her body is producing more fluids around my tongue. I bring a hand over her thighs to tease her clit before swiping it with my tongue. Her moans are echoing off the bathroom walls. Like a beautiful symphony being orchestrated just for me. I remove my tongue and start flicking her clit as her moans turn to cries. She is holding onto my head trying to find purchase with her hands. I spread lips and suckle on her clit before rapidly flicking it. One strong stroke later and she cums for me. Only her head touching the wall before she curls her body over mine. Giving her pussy one last kiss. I remove her legs from my shoulders allowing her to wrap them around my waist bringing us back under the spray of the shower.

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