Fragile Beings

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The silence that filled the vehicle now was unsettling. I wasn't afraid to say something but Adit needed to get her thoughts together. Her markings must be set on low because night has fallen and they are glowing lightly. Her eyes are so golden they can be mistaken for yellow.

I am starting to understand her a little bit better now. I can understand why she acts like she acts and does what she does. And I believe this recent betrayal could send her over the deep end. To a point of no return. Her life has been filled with it. To have your world completed and then shattered by someone betraying you.

Adit pulls off the interstate and cuts the lights. She drives about another 10 minutes before she comes to a stop. She jumps out the SUV. I follow her lead and walk around to her. She spares me a glance. Shaking her head, the air around us changes. That weird black mist that was around her when she was the bird returns, only this time it is surrounding us both. The hair on my body stands up. The hot air licks at my skin. And just as quickly as it came it is gone.

I look at myself expecting to see scorched and burned skin. I am taken back when I am in a different set of clothes. I look at Adit and she is also. We are both dressed in cargo sweatpants and Timberlands with tanks on underneath an open button down. Adit takes off her button don and puts it in her pants. She looks down at me.

"Remember what I told you."

She turns and walks towards a building blasting hip-hop music. She swaggers her way in front of the line and stands to the bouncer admitting people.

"Damn baby, your print is on point," she says running her hand over Adit's junk.

"It gets to the point to," Adit says.

"She with you?" she asks looking at me for the first time.

"Yea my lil sister."

"You two go on in," she says still stroking Adit. "I'll come find you later."

Adit steps back nodding her head. I pass by the woman with good distance between us. Adit turns to me and smirks. The music is so loud in this club I think my ears are going to start bleeding. The smell of sweat and cheap cologne makes me gag. The lights doing a dance makes me dizzy. I have to close my eyes for a second.

Opening them back up, I realize I have lost Adit. Scanning around the room looking for her. I mean she is tall as hell she shouldn't be this hard to find. My eyes finally land on her leaning on the bar. I walk up to her.

"YO SIS!!!!" she yells. I don't know if she is yelling to be heard or because of the four already empty shot glasses in front of her. She turns and looks for the bartender, signaling her closer she leans to her ear. "Permettez-moi d'obtenir quatre autres plans de Spirytus et quatre plans de Green Fairy et deux plans d'Everclear(Let me get four more shots of Spirytus and four shots of Green Fairy and two shots of Everclear)."

I don't know what she has said but the bartenders eye widens to saucers. Adit leans back to her full height and takes her tank off leaving her in a sports bra. The bartender starts checking her with a seductive smile.

"As-tu besoin d'autre chose(Do you need anything else)?" she says. Placing 10 shot glasses on the bar she begins to pour; she keeps looking over at Adit to make sure she is watching her. Pushing the drinks towards Adit she smiles hard.

"Grande différence entre besoin et envie et bien je ne vois pas de merde qui m'intéresse(Big difference between need and want and right now I don't see shit that interests me)" Adit says grabbing the shot glasses and pushing five towards me. She doesn't even look up when she slides a 100 across the bar. "Keep it."

Whatever Adit has said to the girl has crushed her spirit. She snatches the bill and storms to the register slamming the money in it. She drops the change into her tip jar sending daggers towards Adit.

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