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Looking over our land at the pasture out the window. I feel free. Coming to terms with the fact that I couldn't change anything. I flex my muscles as I turn around and turn the radio on. Flipping through to my own personal station I start moving and getting into the beat. Dancing comforts me. Yes, I admit I'm a 143-year-old child at times. How Kaira puts up with me I will never understand. Moving my body to the beat feeling the pull of my muscles getting into the rhythm. Kaira often asks me why I never danced professionally. I return the question back at her.

My phone beeps letting me know that it is a text from Kaira. Looking at the screen I see that her midday class has been canceled. Turning everything of,f grabbing my keys I make my way through the hills to go retrieve my love. I actually do like New Zealand. The people are great as they don't get in your business. Making my way through the countryside. I look at the people and places. And I feel grateful for my life.

Pulling up to the University I see Kaira sitting on a bench talking to a young woman. The hairs on the back of my neck start to stand up at the close proximity of the two. Kaira is sitting straight with her hands on her lap while the young woman is at an angle with her arm resting behind Kaira. I can tell she wants to touch Kaira. Getting out the car and making my way towards them. I come up behind them and lean over Kaira placing my lips over hers. She jumps a little before she settles into kissing me back.

"Do you make it a habit of kissing strangers love?" I ask.

"I know your lips anywhere baby."

Looking over at the young lady sitting next to her who is now wearing a scowl. I raise my eyebrow in question while looking down at her arm that is still behind Kaira. I stand to my full height and swing my legs over the back of the bench to jump down and sit between the two of them. Looking her right in her eyes as I reach for Kaira's hand as she immediately entwines our fingers. Lifting our joined hands to my mouth I kiss her knuckles.

"How was class love?" I ask still maintaining eye contact with the girl.

"It was good, it was mainly a review for upcoming terms." she replies with a smirk.

"Why was your midday canceled?"

"I don't know something about the teacher getting sick." she says still smriking.

My eyes never leaving the young woman as Kaira and I talk.

"You ready to head to home?" I ask.

"Sure. Oh, baby, this is Sophie. She is in my midday class. Sophie this is my girlfriend Omari"

Still looking into now Sophie's eye I bare my teeth resembling something close to a smile. 

"Nice to meet you, Sophie." I see her visibly gulp. 

"Pleasure." is all she gets out.

I stand up baring my teeth again and say "all mine." 

Helping Kaira up and grabbing her belongings I lead her to the car. Opening her door and placing her things in the backseat I move around jump in and take off.

"That was cruel of you," Kaira says.

"what?" I ask wondering if playing innocent will help me.

"You probably scared her. She is just a child." Ok so innocence didn't work.

"Hmmm, whatever," I say as I turn down the countryside ride heading home. 

I grasp her hand and kiss it firmly stating "mine." as I keep maneuvering the car. She laughs at me. 

"Yes baby all yours." kissing my hand she smiles at me.

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