When Darkness Turns to Light

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Arriving back at the Maxime Boutique, Kaira and I head straight to our room. My head is all over the place. I feel as if I don't know which way is left or right, up and down. Taking a seat in a wicker chair, I rest my head in my hands before letting them drop. I want so badly for everything but the baby to be a dream. An even bigger part of me wants to say fuck all this bullshit and take Kaira back to New Zealand. Maybe board up all the windows to our home and hide for all eternity.

How the fuck can I hide from something that is everything She didn't need a door when she visited us before.

Feeling Kaira's fingers run through my hair, I raise my head to look at her. She seems tired but at least more put together than I currently am. Especially considering creator of all things knew her as a child and wants either her, our child or both.

Why can't this be a dream?

Trailing her fingers down my face, she leans down to place her lips against mine. Wrapping my arms around her, I can't stop myself from latching onto her. Tracing my way to her sides I caress her as I stand to my feet. I bend down clasping her thighs to pick her up and hold her to me. Never relinquishing her lips.

Taking small steps to the bed, I turn my body and allow myself to fall back. Kaira ends up straddling me. I feel her smile against my lips. She sits up and strategically places her hands over my heart. I close my eyes and rub her legs while I wait for her to speak. But before she can utter a word a feeling overtakes me, something very close to a need. My hand acts on its own accord and I find myself rubbing her stomach.

And this is where it seriously, finally hits me. There is a smaller version of Kaira and I in there. She and I have created a life. That is my seed growing within her womb. Our love did this. And I will do any and everything that I have to in order to protect her. To protect both of my girls.

I couldn't stop thinking about that as I touched her. Sitting up and pushing her lower along my legs, I lifted her dress as I leaned her body back, and bring my lips to her stomach. Not knowing exactly when but knowing soon her belly would be full and stretched out from my child, my seed, did something to my primal nature. I could feel my blood heat up instantly as I removed her dress and gazed at her body. My mind's eye picturing her protruding tummy and swollen breast. Running my hands up her stomach to cup her breasts, letting my mouth follow the same path. Feeling the electric currents run up and down my skin.

"Tell me no or stop me now." I harshly get out kissing along her neck to her jawline. My body is shaking, practically convulsing with my need for her. Every fiber of my being is taut, straining to claim her. Running my fingertips through her hair, I pull her head back locking my eyes with hers. "Or tell me that you need me."

She gasps for breath before slamming her lips to mine. Her teeth clash slightly against my own before her tongue invades my mouth. I reach down and cup her breasts again before pulling on her nipples. I thread my fingers through her rings tugging hard. She hisses as her body jerks from the sensation. I can feel her stomach muscles quiver as she rakes her nails down my back. Moving back for breath I taste her arousal floating through the space between us. My body reacts severely at her scent. My erection prominent.

Her hands move downwards, she unclasps my belt and pops the button on my pants. I feel drag the zipper over me as I'm straining hard within the confines of my pants. We don't even bother to remove them. Once she touches me, I am done for.

Lifting her up and pushing her panties to the side, I enter her deeply with one stroke. She moans in my ear and I with her at the feel of her body sinking down on mine. The feel of her panties brushing against me as I thrust up into her is frustrating. Ripping them off her I lift her up again before thrusting back deeper.

Her breath hitches as she rolls her hips, her pussy squeezing me. She is always so wet for me. It's as if her most intimate crevice weeps for only me. With every thrust into her core she bathes me in her glory.

"Oh fuck" she moans as I pound up into her. The sounds or bodies make echoing around the room.

She drops back down, circling her hips again. I can feel her start to quake. Sweat starts to glisten on her skin. She begins to grip me tighter. Reaching and locking my arm around her waist, I push harder inside her. Holding her body down. Bringing my other arm up I wrap my fingers around her neck as she gets tighter.

"Hold it" I say against her open mouth.

"Pl... please baby" her voice is getting higher as she begs. All she can do is start moving her hips in waves while taking me. "Please Imani"

Her hands are roaming over my body as she tries to find purchase.

"Fucking hold it" I whisper squeezing her neck a little more. Clutching my eyes shut as I feel the coil in my stomach began to snap, I burrow more into the bed for extra room to give her longer strokes before her dam breaks. "Now"

Kaira releases such a sound I'm sure someone will think I have just murdered her. She drenches everything in her wake. I explode buried to the hilt in her.

Taking a moment to catch our breathes Kaira keeps shivering as I touch her. She is trying to regain control of her mouth to return my kisses. Pushing me down completely in the bed she removes my shirt as I fall. She leans forward allowing me to slip from her body.

I watch through hooded eyes as she begins to kiss her down while getting off the bed. She undresses me as she goes.

"Get to the top of the bed" she tells me. "And lay down."

Scooting backwards, I do as I'm told. I never take my eyes off of her. I watch as she discards her ripped panties. With her eyes seeming to glow she kisses her way back up my body. Stopping to grab my dick, she grips me firmly. My mouth can't decide if it wants to be Sahara dry or Pacific wet.

Laying between my legs, she trails her tongue over my shaft.

"I've always enjoyed that taste" she says before licking the underside of my dick.

"What taste?" I ask as my eyes start to roll back.

"Our combined fluids on your dick." She simply replies, sucking gently on my tip. Her tongue lapses across my slit, making my toes curl.

"Bring that pussy up here." I demand. Feeling her smirk around me as she shakes her head. Her tongue doing wonders on my nerve endings. "Oh shit, baby, don't play with me. Bring my pussy here."

I go to reach for her, she proceeds to move back, running her teeth against me. My hips jolt up, forcing my dick further into her mouth. She swirls her tongue while taking me back into her hand. She moans around me.

"Please babe, let me taste you."

Great now she has me begging.

Never releasing me from her mouth, she turns her body to straddle my torso. Looking at her wet, glistening folds. I feel myself harden even more.

All mine.

I bring her to my mouth.And prepare myself for a long, fulfilling and eventful night.

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