Pain Reminds Me That I Am Alive

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I watch as Adit turns her back towards Ezzy. The pack members in every form soon follow suit. Each one by one turning their backs to Ezzy. She stands there looking slightly defeated, but very much enraged. She looks around at her wounded and dead. She knows she can't finish another fight if she chooses to start one. The air shifts as her body begins to haze, and then she gone. Leaving the dead and wounded.

My eyes follow Adit as she begins to walk away. I am stuck between a rock and hard place right now. I look around at the mess and destruction that needs to be cleaned up and the things that need to be repaired. I don't want the children to come out and see all of this. But I also want to go after Adit and speak with her. I need to make sure that she is in the right state of mind. I feel for her. Then I need to find Kaira and make sure that she is ok.

"Go Imani," a voice says.

Looking up I see Haisley, a female who lives here and teaches.

"I can't leave you all with this mess," I tell her.

"Go child," she tells me. "We have this."

I look at her one more time before jogging to Adit. She is walking with her head held high but her movements are stiff.

"ADIT!!!" I yell getting her attention.

She turns to me with her eyebrow raised and her head tilted.

"Yes Imani."

""Well why did you call me down? I didn't do anything the battle never touched me."

"Look up," she says. I can see the wariness starting to take place in her eyes.

I raise my eyes to where her gaze is focused and see the tree that I was in. It has been burnt and tarnished. All the way down to the roots is blackened. The top where I was perched is gone.

"You really think I would allow something to happen to you? That battle wasn't yours to fight," she says turning back to walk again. "We will talk more tomorrow. I suggest you go be with your mate. Essentially, she has been betrayed again. She will be to the east of the hospital. Underground. I'm sure you will see the pack members guarding the place."



"Will you train me? Will you teach me to be able to protect my family from these threats?"


I watch her as her body begins to contort and bend. She becomes her wolf., trotting then running into the night. I look back up at the tree. A soft glow of light coming from behind catches my attention. It is coming from where the heart of the fight happened. From where I just left. I turn back towards the area. As I get closer, I see members with their glowing eyes trained on the area where the wounded and dead bodies lay. A contained fire is twirling around the place. Consuming everything in its path. As the fire burns off and travels further, flowers begin to sprout. The black ash turns to dirt.

"I told you we had this," Haisley says.

I nod, turning back around and running to the east. I see members walking along with the same fire burning through the wreckage. I walk to them.

"I need to get my wife," I say.

One guy looks at me, he nods, walking off. I follow him to an old building. It a warehouse. He opens the door and leads me through. It is a storage building. There are appliances and equipment all over.

"What is this place?" I ask him.

"Where we store extra things. We buy a lot of items on sale and store them here for when we building another house," he says. "Eventually we are going to get around to building some apartments for the single members of the tribe."

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