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She smirks before drifting to sleep. I cover her up before getting up and checking on the house. I make my way back towards the bedroom before a splitting pain courses through my hours days I don't know my world turns to black. Fighting not to give into the darkness slowly trying to consume me. My skin is on fire and my muscles are being ripped from my bones. I lay panting and gasping in a pool of sweat. What is happening to me? I manage to curl into the fetal position as my body spasms in pain.

"Omari" I hear her calling to me, "Omari what is it? Baby whats wrong?" 

She sounds scared and desperate. I can see her feeling along the wall to make her way to me. She stops and listens into the night trying to pinpoint my location.

Luckily I'm not by the stairs id fear for her being panicked right now. All I can manage is a moan to let her know where I am. Kneeling down by me she runs her fingers through my dreads. Cradling my head.

"baby what can I do?" kissing my forehead I feel her tears falling on me. I can only reach for her.

Wrapping one arm around her. The pain initially starts to dissipate.

"that's it breathe baby."

I know she can feel how tight my body is. How my muscles are bunched and cramped up. She keeps holding me and rocking me running her hand over me as if checking for something. I don't know what for because I don't even know what wrong with me. I try to sit up she stops me.

"no baby just lay still. Give it a minute before you move."

I nod my consent and let her hold me. After what feels like forever I am able to get up and stand. I slight case of vertigo hits me. I shake it off and lean into my woman. Kissing her to let her know I am OK. She guides me into the bedroom and sits up on pillows so I can lay my head in her lap. This is new. The world seems extra loud at this moment. I can hear things miles away. I keep my eyes closed because the onslaught of light in a dark room. She keeps rubbing my back shoulders and head. I can tell she is worried about me. I rub her legs and look up into her eyes. The seem to be glowing right now.

"are you OK?" I ask her.

"me? I need to be asking you that. What happened baby?"

"i don't know love. I wish I did but I don't."

I get off her lap and pull her to settle down next to me. She curls around me putting my head on her bosom. I wrap my arm around her and try to make light of the situation by latching onto her nipple.

"stop that while you're not feeling good." she says while rubbing my head.

"but this is making me feel good." i respond wrapping my lips tighter around her nipple.

"silly you sure you're OK?" pushing my head away forcing me to look in her eyes.

"yes baby I am fine." laying my head down on her chest.

she holds me until I fall asleep. 

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