I Didn't Expect This

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I wake up the next morning alone in a big bed. Kaira and I didn't talk last night after we got to the house. I knew she was pissed about the scents lingering on me. So, I just took a shower and went to bed. I should have known better than to expect her to be in bed with me this morning. No, not because she was pissed last night. But because she is anxious to start her work. Anything dealing with medical jargon excites Kaira to the bone. I don't take it personal.

Getting out of the bed I pop my back and crack my neck. I'm feeling stiff today and slightly hungover. I think I'm going to chill inside for a little bit. Going to the bathroom and doing my morning routine, I head downstairs, jumping over the back of the couch I grab the tv remote along with the ps4 remote, I look over at the entertainment center and see gaming headphones.

There are so many games already downloaded on this ps4, I don't know what I want to play first. Scrolling through and coming to NBA 2k19 I start up the game. As it is loading, I go to the kitchen and fix me some cereal. Walking around the couch this time I resume my place. I pick my team and wait for someone to accept to play.

Br0n3gim4t1c99 accepts.

Putting on my headphones and get ready to start the game.

Br0n3gim4t1c99: Where you been old timer?

D4y5R3ndl355: Around, now come get this ass whooping.

The game starts and we are off. With tons of shit talking from both of us.

Br0n3gim4t1c99: Your game is bad but not normally this bad. You are off today.

D4y5R3ndl355: A lot on my mind yungn

Going up for an easy layup I miss. Bron rebounds and goes up court hitting a three.

Br0n3gim4t1c99: Want to talk about it? I feel like I'm taking advantage of you right now.

Stealing the ball, running up court and power dunks on me.

D4y5R3ndl355: Nah man, I'm going to go lick my wounds and get into some cod for a min. I'll see you next time.

Exiting the game, I log into Call of Duty. After getting my ass whooped in that, I turn the system off. I sit on the couch and try to get my head together. My mind is going back to this loop. Adit just snapped that girl's neck with no force, no thought. Her hand just twitched, like an unconscious jerk. Is Adit so far gone that taking a life means nothing? She didn't blink when she did it. Her lips were still on the girl's.

I want to go check on Kaira, but I know she is in doctor mode. So that's a negative. Plus, if I do go see her, she may want to poke or prod me. I'm good. But to be truthful with myself, I don't want to go because Adit might be there.

I hear noise and voices outside. Going to the window I look out and see people. Adults and children walking and talking. A complete contrast compared to yesterday. I pull out my phone. Its Saturday no school or work. Maybe I can get a better feel of this place. Looking back out the window everyone seems to be headed to where the hall was located.

Jogging upstairs, I take a quick shower, and throw on some clothes. I grab my phone in case Kaira calls me and head outside. I make my way to the hall. If I didn't know where I was going, I could easily follow the laughter. There seems to be tons of people out today. Families and friends reuniting after a hard week's work.

Silence starts to fill the hall as I step into it. Loud voices and laughter dimming down to barely a whisper. I can feel all eyes on me. My pride won't let me hold my head down in embarrassment. My back is straight and I am prepared for anyone who wants to start shit with me. Quiet murmurs can be heard quickly filling the hall. Until all goes silent.

"HEY," I voice yells getting my attention. "You Omari?"

Turning towards the voice, I see a group of people. four males and three females to be precise, standing at the end of a picnic table, looking in my way.

"Yea," I say.

They stare at me a little longer. The atmosphere has gotten thick around the hall. Even the children are no longer playing. All are staring at me. One of the guys and a female step forward, leaving the group behind. They begin to approach me. My tenses because as ready as I am for a fight. I do not wish to fight. They walk about to me. Just outside my personal space. Suddenly the guy smiles.

"Nice to finally fucking meet you," he says. Holding his hand out. I go to dap him off and he brings me in for a bro hug. "Man, I honestly thought I'd never get to meet you."

The female steps forward and hugs me. Her eyes are shining with emotions.

"We have all heard so much about you," she says. "We met your wife; she is just the sweetest thing walking."

I am taken back by their actions. The rest of their group come up. They either dap me or give me hugs. Everyone slowly makes their way to me. A single woman approaches me. She is elderly and I believe she is human. She is beautiful even in her current age. You can tell that once upon a time back in the day she was stunning. Her eyes water as tears stream down her face. Her hand is placed against her mouth. Her eyes never leaving mine. The hall quiets down again as she stands before me. Her scent is definitely human.

Her hands reach up to grab my face. I know I am giving her weird looks as she turns my head this way and that way. The feel of her hands running down my neck to my shoulders is oddly comforting. I don't feel the need to panic and push her away. She is touching me like she doesn't believe I am really here. Like she didn't believe that I existed. I can nothing but stand her as she examines me. Her hands travel from my shoulders over my sternum and breastbone.

Breathing picks up as she moves her hands down my abs. She begins to raise my shirt; I don't even know why I am not protesting. I look around and see everyone looking back fascinated. As if they are waiting for her final seal of approval on me. She lowers the part of my pants over my left hip bone and bursts into tears. Her elderly body lunges into mine, hitting me with enough force that we both stumbles back.

"My child," she cries out. "Oh lord my child."

Huh, her child?

I look behind me to see who she is talking about or talking to. No one stands out. I look down at her grasps my shirt, her tears are staining it. She reaches up and grabs my face again. Tears are running full force down hers.

"Oh lord thank you Adit," she continues to cry.

I am at a lost. I silently beg for Kaira to appear, I am beginning to feel the need to run. Looking around the hall again, I see tears either being held back or freely falling from almost every adult. She continues to clasp unto me. She lets out the most heartfelt sob I have ever heard in my 200 years. I can do nothing more than wrap my arms around her as she lets it out. All her pain. All her anguish. Even if I don't know who she is. I can tell she has been through a lot.

Complete and utter silence takes over the hall. Even the woman is silently crying against my chest. Though she refuses to let me go. I look up and see all eyes pointed in one direction. I follow their gaze and there is Adit, standing in all her glory. She is back to wearing a sarong and chest wrap. She looks all powerful as her eyes scan around the room. Before her sight finally seems to land on me. I can see her jaw clench as she sees the woman on me crying. Her eyes are hard before they soften.

Kaira comes bursting in the hall. Her eyes and look frantic before they rest in my general direction. She lets out a deep breath.

"I see you have met your mother," Adit says

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