And then there was life

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Fleeing the states to settle down in Europe, Kaira and I began a life together. Moving to Manarola, Italy we opened a little bed and breakfast along the coast. Assuming a regular life with the woman that I love was easy. Our days was filled with the everyday charms of running a business. Our nights filled with passion. Making love under the stars.

Kaira used her resources to look into how I came to be seeing as I was not of the Tainos people.

"I don't get it somehow you are an evolved form of us. Your body can manipulate your cells into becoming almost anything on an atomic level." she eagerly says.


Sighing and rolling her eyes at me. She shakes her head taking my hands into hers.

"Omari you can do things that we can't. while the rest of our kind adapts to its surrounding but you and your molecular structure drafts and recreates the surrounding bending it at your will." 

Now she is sounding super excited about all this and I have no clue of what she is talking about. Science is a real turn on for her. She is virtually vibrating right now.

"OK love," I reply grabbing her and pulling her onto my lap.

"oh God baby the possibilities. Just think of what you can do. Remember that pain you had awhile back?"

"Yes how could I forget that."

"That was your body evolving. Recreating itself to fit your needs. And if I'm correct" which she probably was "you will have another change coming."

"more pain?"

"I'm sorry to say it but yes love." She doesn't really sound sorry.

"And what kind of change will happen to me this time?"

"That I don't know. But what I can say is that your human genomes will be affected. I mean you are lit up across the board."

As much as the fear of that pain scares me seeing my baby giddy with joy even if it is at my cost makes me smile.

She leans in and starts kissing me. Rocking in my lap. My body begins to feel flushed. It's practically humming with my need for her.

"Shit baby are you running a fever?"

"No why?"

"You are burning up!!!"

Currents start running through me. I am combusting. Heat like never before spreads through me under my skin. I start to tingle. Pressure builds in my chest and shoots down to my groin.

"Baby, what is that?"

"I don't know" lifting her off my lap I go to the bathroom to examine myself. Looking down I scream before darkness takes me out.

I feel hands on me running along my sides down my legs. Slowly I come to.

"Baby, are you OK?"

"No not really"

"I need you to stay calm and breathe"

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