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We are out on the dance floor grinding and winding to the latest dance craze that the big band is playing.. When I tell you Kaira has all the right moves. Even with the big height difference the feel of her body on mine I know I'm the luckiest person in the club. She is slowly gyrating on me. Moving her hips from side to side. I feel the hair on my neck stand up and know we are being watched and not just by the people around us. But someone having mad hate towards. I start turning us around so I can scope the club when I see her off to the side staring daggers at me. I bend low and whisper to Kaira.

"we have an audience"


"Jazz. She is burning a hole in my shirt right now."

She sighs and ask if I want to leave. I kiss her softly and smile against her lips shaking my head.

"good" and we go back to enjoying our night.

A few dances later we are sitting by the bar

"I'm going to run to the bathroom. You want to come with or stay here?' I ask.

"I'm good right here." she replies.

Moving through the bodies to get to the restroom I have a nagging feeling in my gut. I look back to look at Kaira and she is sitting there sipping on her drink. My baby is going to be wasted tonight. Making it to the restroom to stand in line and wait some more I think on the past few days. I'm kind of in my own world as the next stall opens ducking in doing my thing. Washing my hands and making my way back to her I see Jazz pressing up on her. Pushing my way now through the crowd I get to her quickly. That feeling of blind rage starts to enclose on me.

"What do you want Jazz?" I ask looking into her eyes.

"what I want? What I want is my girl back and you back gone"

"not going to happen. So leave us be"

"no see there is no us as in you two there is an us as in she and I." she spits out.

"Jazz just go move on and be happy. i never led you on.  It wouldn't have worked between us. I've always been in love with Omari since we first talked. I told you that from jump." Kaira says.

"Bullshit she left you and she will leave again." This bitch ragin on something. 

"Jazz dude I ain't going no where. My life my world is here with Kaira."

"What you fucking my girl now? What is she one of many?" hesitatingly stepping up to me. 

"Shut up Jazz you drunk man'"

I look at Kaira and see her getting upset. As I reach out to hold her Jazz steps between us and pushes me.

"stay up off my girl" she yells. I close my eyes and take a breath trying not to lose my calm.

"Jazz one she is not your girl two keep your hands off me and three get the fuck out of my way." I say as the rage builds each statement punctuated by a shove. I look at Jazz and I feel her pain because if Kaira hadn't forgiven me I would be where Jazz was. I try to calm down I move towards Kaira again and Jazz sucker punches me.


I can hear a voice buzzing n the background as I look around and the spot the person who dared touch me. She is pressing up on someone. I grab her shoulder spin her around and start connecting.

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