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Arriving at Maxime Boutique, exiting the car, before making my way around to get Kaira. Opening her door and extending my hand I help her out. Turning around I hand the car keys over and pull Kaira inside to the front desk.

After receiving our room keys and ordering a light lunch for Kaira and I we to our suite. Entering the room I open the patio doors to allow the air to circulate.

Sitting down on a chair I steeple my fingertips together feeling even more mind boggled at what Kaira has told me. I'll be the first to admit I know nothing about voodoo and even less about Kaira's people. I feel as if we've spent the last years trying to learn what we could about me while I've learned absolutely nothing about Kaira. Let me rephrase that. I know about Kaira but nothing about her people. If it didn't pertain to me I never considered to ask.

Before I could voice my thoughts there is a knock on the door. Getting up to open it, I see the bellhop with our luggage and room service behind them. Moving to the side I allow them entrance. Going to Kaira and pulling her up I lead her to the table. Grabbing my wallet I tip the bellhop and room services before walking them out. Taking my seat I begin to dish out our food.

"What's on your mind Imani?" Kaira asks after chewing a bit of her salad.

"I feel like a shitty partner." I sigh, "i know nothing about your people and I have never asked."

Kaira hums and dances a little in her seat smirking at me.

"It's not as though I offered any information babe." Taking a drink of her water. "That doesn't make you a shitty partner. When we got together all I could think of was us. And that has been in the forefront of my brain."

"Still babe there is so much I don't know. We are soon to be parents and I know nothing of their other parent's life or people." I say wiping my mouth before getting up placing my plate on the cart.

"Her." Kaira says.

"Her what babe?"

"Adit said we are having a girl." she slyly says.

"What the hell does Adit know." I mutter rolling my eyes.

Kaira starts laughing at me. Leaning forward she pinches my cheek.

"Aww poor baby." Snickering she gets her laughter under control. "Hand me my laptop please baby."

Getting up and taking her plate, placing it on the cart, I roll it out the door. I run my fingers through my dreads walking over to our bags. Finding Kaira's, I grab her laptop, returning to the table to hand it to her. As she boots it up I  connect the outlet adapter before plugging it up. Pulling my chair next to her as her fingers start flying across the keyboard.

"What are you looking for?" I ask her playing with the hair on the nape of her neck, as I listen to her laptop read off her search results.

Turning her cloudy eyes to me she leans in and kisses me before resuming her work.

"I need to find a shop." she vaguely responds. "We are going to have to go to the Marche de Fer." Her accent rolling off her tongue. Not going to lie it's a turn on.

Turning to me she flicks my ear, "Now is not the time." she says dryly. Throughly chastised I go back to playing with her neck.

"What is the Marche de Fer?" I ask.

"It's an iron market." Tilting her head she continues, "I can't find any info if it is still open to the public after the last fire a couple years back but no worries."

"What do you mean no worries?"

"What we are looking for isn't in the market." she says with a smirk. Watching the screen flash across her eyes as she listens to it. Nodding her head she goes back to typing. "Found him. Can you book us another room somewhere else for the night for tomorrow?"

"Yes but who did you find?" I ask getting up to retrieve my laptop. "Where do you want me to book this room?"

"Anywhere near the Marche de Fer. And as far as who. The person who will help us find Ezzy." she says never stopping her typing. "Nothing upscale. Or he won't come."

"I'm not jeopardizing your safety." I say. Logging in doing a quick search for rooms around Port au Prince my eyes nearly bug out of my head at the pictures. "No way no ma'am."

"Omari, I grew up in a run down village. Having to spend one night in a less than appealing part of town won't kill me." she says laughing, "When did you become bougie?"

"Hey now I'm not bougie." I defend myself, "I just want to always keep you safe now more than ever. I'm starting to understand how you feel sometimes. We don't know how the baby is going to affect you? And now I have to worry about these thoughts of you not being ok."

Ceasing her typing she turns her body to me bringing me in her arms. I scoot my chair back, as I wrap my arms around her, pulling her into my lap. I bury my face in her neck. This whole baby deal has me all over the place. I fine with the thought of anything happening to me but something happening to Kaira is not something I can live with.

"Baby,  baby look at me," she says pulling my head out of her neck. Looking into my eyes she caresses my forehead. "Baby I will be ok. Our child will be ok. And after all this is said and done I will make sure that you will be ok also."

Kissing me deeply before she takes me back into her arms. I hold myself to her. I feel like all this is just too much to handle. I want  to just take Kaira and run. Completely disappear from everything and everyone. But down I know I that we can't get away. Something far bigger than us is in the process.

Releasing Kaira, I turn back to my laptop and proceed to book us a room at Park Hotel, about a mile from Marche de Fer. Still not fully understanding what is going on but putting my faith and trust entirely in Kaira, I roll my shoulders and go with it.

"Ok, room is booked at Park Hotel." I tell her.

She nods and returns to typing. After she seems satisfied with what has been said, she looks at me.

"He will meet us there tomorrow evening." she says as she stretches out her limbs.

"Who is he?" I ask watching her muscles flex and her abs tense through her stretch.

Straightening up and her gaze my way, she inhales deeply.

"He was a worker in our village. He is one of the practitioners of dark magic."

"How is he supposed to find this Ezzy lady?" I ask still not understanding.

"He will try to communicate to her through her dreams." she says looking into my eyes.

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