Getting Along

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"i don't know if i had any say in it id say you had it bad" spits Jazz from the sofa in my music  room.

"i don't know her to have it bad but i cant deny i am far more than smitten by her"

"yes that is your fancy way of admitting you have it bad" stopping the music to look at me. I stupidly told her about my chance encounter in class today. Thinking she would be of any help. Shame on me. 76 years of wondering this world has me reverting back to high schoolage seeing my first crush. Acting like a love struck teenager.

"you know she and Sadie Maxwell broke up?"

"wait what? When? Why? How?"

"whoa my dude slow it down take it down a notch and breathe. Yes they broke up over break. Apparently Sadie was stepping out because Kaira wouldn't put out." Jazz remarks with a shake of herhead.

"so if you play your cards right you might actually stand a chance,"

I am soaring high at this news before anger takes me. The thought o fKaira being hurt by such scum fuels my rage. I need to get some air.

"I'm going for a walk. Lock up on your way out."

 Getting up throwing on my coat i exit my home and enter the still day. Walking towards i don't know just to get my blood pumping. I feel as if i could walk for days. Ideally passing shops and people i think. Why over the years am i taken by a stranger? I've had many lovers but never have a felt like this. It is as if she is my blood providing me with the substance to live.

"how do i know when you are near"a surprisingly gentle voice asks.

I spin around and see Kaira in the doorway of the local bistro.

"I don't know but i wouldn't mind finding out"

"walk with me?" as if she needs to ask.

Waiting for her to fall into step beside me i begin to think and notice her more. She is a tiny little thing. Standing 5'2 not quite reaching my chest. So slim i feel i would crush her ifi held her to tightly.


"yes I'm sorry lost in thought."

"oh and what are you thinking about?"

Don't say anything stupid do not do it. I forbid you to. "how anyone could hurt someone as precious as you." yep that was stupid i think looking down at my feet feeling almost bashful in her presence.

Looking up slowly i see she is gazing at me wonder like with that slight smirk I've come to think as her trademark.

"and if i had the chance i would spend a lifetime trying to make up for other peoples mistakes." just keep digging that grave buddy.

"i wouldn't want you making up for someone else s mistake. I just would want you to be aware to not making too many of your own."

Walking next to her the scent i have come to believe is her own assaults me. I am completely drawn to her.

"where are you headed?" i ask

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