A Mystery Indeed

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The guys as it appears are the other nine balls of fire that appeared with her the other night against Ezzy. Apparently, they are like the king's guard of old world. Only they are not the quiet follow your king type.

"Uh oh," a couple of them yell out. Stopping to sniff the air.

"Smells like Natalie was here," the others join in.

"Shut the fuck up," Adit says coming down the stairs.

"Nah, nah man, we will shut up when you deny that Natalie was here."

"I see new furniture, she was here."

"That's it," Adit says before jumping over the railing and onto someone's back.

"UNCLE, UNCLE, UNCLE," he yells.

"Come here puppy," Adit calls out to me.

I roll my eyes and head to the living room.

"What's up?"

"Oh, my heavens, Adit this is her?" one of the guys ask.

Adit nods her head smiling.

Another guy approaches me. He stands in front of me looking down at me.

"The last time any of us has seen you pup you were this big," he says holding his hand down to his mid shin.

"Fuck yea," a woman says. "Always getting into everything. Fucking hell on wheels."

"Make introductions while I wrap everything up," Adit says heading to the kitchen. "We will drop it off at the hall and then head out to the mall."

"The mall here?" I ask.

"No puppy, we are leaving the grounds. I need civilization." she says.

"What she need is to not run into Natalie," the woman whispers to me.

"Whatever asshole." Adit says walking off.

"I'm Hot Fry, I would give you my given name but it's so long even I tend to forget it," the woman says.

"What is it?" I ask her.

"Kay," she deadpans before walking over and sitting on the couch.

I hear the other snicker behind me. She grabs the PS4 controller and loads up NBA 2k20.

"You can call me Styles," one of the guys says grabbing another controller.

"Michael," a soft voice says next me. "I call winner."

Other than him everyone else gave nicknames. By the time Adit came out of the kitchen we were three games in with Hot Fry still in the winner's chair. Adit looked at us before shaking her head and going upstairs. I wonder if she can even play. I mean she only recently watched certain TV shows.

"Adit you in?" Michael calls out to her.

She comes back downstairs with a blunt between her lips.

"Nah. Let's go. Grab the stuff out of the kitchen."

The guys jump up after switching off the game and grab everything. We all make our way outside and hop into various vehicles. Stopping at the hall we drop everything off. Adit wanders around hugging a few ladies and teens. Everyone seems to want to talk to her.

"Hey pup," Hot Fry says as we walk back to the cars. "You have a kid on the way, right?"


"Well when we get back some of the mothers have agreed to let you watch their babies," she says. "For practice you know."

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