The Return

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"I'm pregnant"

Turning over and placing my feet on the floor to steady myself. I reach over and pull the curtain on the boat window. I look outside to see a clear sky with a huge moon. Standing and raising to my full 5'11 height I walk up to the deck and look around trying to determine my current location. Six months since I had walked away from the most wonderful night of my life. Six months since I walked away from her. I have tried to get her out of my system. But she is like this drug that lays dormant inside my veins. And the slightest reminder of her has my itching like a addict for a fix I can never have again. So for six months I've been literally just coasting along finding myself in harbor to harbor around the globe.

I need to go back. I need to see her and make this work. I need to explain. I berate to myself again and again. But how? How can I make this right? How can I live a life with her only to lose her down the road? I want forever with her.

Taking a deep breath looking out into the calm water I make up my mind. I'm going back.


Stopping by to check on my apartment a few weeks later I sense someone has been in my apartment recently. As I inhale deeply to pick up the scent and see if I can recognize the person my front door opens. Turning around quickly ready for anything I still myself seeing Jazz staring at me.

"what are you doing here?" she asks as if this is her house.

"this is my home Jazz so should I be asking you that question" I reply. Stepping closer to her I am knocked back in the past. The scent of Kaira is all over her.

"no I mean I'm just surprised to see you here. you've been gone for nine months.."

"so why are you in my home Jazz?"

"i come by every so often to check on the place." I can see her pulse drumming under her skin. Hear her heartbeat start to race. And if I didn't know better id swear that I can smell her fear.

Walking around my home I take inventory of my belongings. Looking for anything out of place. Walking to my bedroom her heart rate picks up a bit. Opening the door I don't know what I am prepared to find. Then it hits Kaira has been in here her scent mingles in the air along with Jazz's.

With more speed than I knew I had I cross the space between Jazz and I grabbing her by her neck lifting her completely off the ground. I can definitely smell her fear.

"Shit Omari what the fuck" she struggles but she is no match for me. She never was in the past especially not now. "please dude I can explain. Please." she starts begging me.

"you and Kaira? Whats to explain? I loved her I love her." I start seeing red now.

"but you left her" she struggles to get out.

And that my friend that one statement is probably what saved her life. I drop her as if I been burned. Slowly turning away to walk in circles. Trying to clear my head of the truth of her statement. She is right I did leave. I walked away. I have no claim. Slowly turning to face. I regard her seriously. She is on her knees coughing struggling to catch her breath.

"damn Omari. I didn't set out to hurt you. It just happened."

"leave my home"

"O?" she says trying to get me to see reason

"LEAVE MY HOME" I yell rattling the windows.

Slowly she gets up and starts walking backwards to the door. As if she is afraid to have her back to me. I turn around and walk back to my bedroom. The mingled scents of both them are all around me. I can almost envision them in my home playing house. The rage in me starts to build again. I look down and see my hands curled into tight fists. I need to leave this place. 

I head over to the campus I need to enroll in my next semester and make sure everything went well with my previous ones. Walking into the admissions building I can feel the room looking at me. I am normally I powerful figure but with the rage flowing through me I know I look even more dominating. What is this change in me? I can feel it. Its rolling off my flesh in waves.

Leaving barely looking where I am walking the scent of coconut milk fills the air around me. I look up and see Kaira and Jazz talking. My blood boils over when I see Kaira putting a hand on Jazz's arm. If I wanted I could hear what is being said but I turn and walk away. I need to get away from this place.   

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