Ohhh Puppy Love

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"You have class work?" I ask.

"Yes I have a paper due later this week that I should work on," she says laughing. 

That laugh tells me its on of those been there done that before type deal. I mean after taking as many classes as we have there isn't much that we haven't done.

"There is a get together at the club this Friday," she says looking in my direction while drying her hair.

"Yay." I reply sarcastically. Giving me a look I roll my eyes at what I know is coming. I begin to mouth with her words. 

"Baby I need to fit in a little bit. And I want you there with me."

"Ok love if you want to go out Friday we can." 

Heaven knows I will not let her go out to any club by herself. Not that she can't take care of herself I just don't trust people. 

"You hungry?" I ask.

"Yes, I'm famished."

Laughing I make my way to the kitchen to start dinner. 

Arriving early to pick Kaira up from the Uni the next day, I see good ole Sophie talking away to my woman. Why can't this kid learn I think to myself. Kaira is leaning onto the building trying to stay out of the sun I suppose, as Sophie faces her with her arm against the building. I take a moment to listen to the conversation.

"Have you thought about coming out Friday?" Sophie asks.

"Yes I asked Omari if she wants to go out with everyone and she is up for it." Not the response Sophie was hoping for as her shoulders slump a little.

"Well if she is busy or can't makes it I'll watch out for you, you know." again hopeful.

"I know but I don't really like going out to clubs without her. We have been together for so long that I'm used to having her near me. It relaxes me and allows me to enjoy myself."

"Oh I get it" she really doesn't. "how would you like to go out for coffee something quieter with fewer people?" screams for desperation. 

Kaira finally looks her way and I can tell she isn't happy.

"Sophie you are nice and everything but I'm in a relationship. And I can tell you like me but I will not put myself in a situation that may strain my relationship." that's my woman.

"Oh no, nothing like that just as friends." pitiful.

Hearing enough I exit the car and make my way over to them. Stepping in front of Kaira I lean in and kiss her.

"Hey, baby how was class?" I ask

"Good boring."

"Hey, Sophie thanks for waiting with Kaira until I got here. You are such a great friend. I can't wait for us to chill Friday" I say to her maintaining eye contact.

"Yeah, no problem" as she walks away.

"You ready?" I ask Kaira taking her hand and leading here to the car. "What do you want to do tonight?"

"Lay in bed with you and listen to this new audio book"

"Oh, yea whats the book?"

"Twilight by Stephanie Meyer."

"What's it about?" I should not have asked that. I'm mind boggled right now. I swear listening to her talk about this you would have thought she read it already. But alas I will do anything for my baby.

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