How Do You Bounce Back?

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" mother? You told me my mother was," I began to say.

"Gloria?" Adit interrupts me. Her eyes cold once again as they land on me. "Why don't you and Charles go get us something for breakfast to eat."

Her eyes soften again as she looks at Gloria. Kaira makes her way slowly to me. She rests her hand on my chest. Confusion evident on her face.

"Charles?" Adit says looking at a teenager.

"Yes Adi?"

"Do me a favor, take Gloria to get her breakfast and brings back some extra food and plates please."

"Come on Ms. Gloria," Charles says leading her away. She looks like she wants to fight him a for a minute. Her eyes never leaving me.

"It's ok Gloria," Adit's comforting voice tells her. "She will still be here when you return."

Watching them walk away to a buffet style table. I look back at Adit.

"You said my mother was dead Adit," I say.

"She is."

"Then how is that my mother?" I ask.

"It's your mother's spirit," she says sighing, like I'm bothering her. "She couldn't find peace in my mother's realm. So, Aja being Aja let her choose life again. Even with a new one she never forgot about you. Some years ago, her 'family' tried to have her committed because she kept talking about her child. In this lifetime she had no children. She used to write your name on everything. She even drew pictures of me. I found her and promised her one day she would see you again."

I stand there listening to her as I watch her watch Gloria. I follow her gaze. Gloria is all smiles. Every few seconds she looks back up at me. I suppose to see if I'm still here.

"I thought you said no humans were allowed here," I say.

"She is the only exception," she says still watching her.

Kaira leans her body on to mine.

"You ok?" she asks. Moving her hands up to my face.

I can only nod my head which she feels. Looking back Adit, I see her watching me now. Gloria and Charles come back to us and sit the food on a nearby table.

"Adit will you be joining us?" Gloria asks her.

"Um, I really didn't plan on it," Adit answers with a smile.

"Your eyes are giving away all your secrets Adit," Gloria says.

Adit laughs at her.

"You caught me," she says scratching the back of her neck. "But I have to fly out for a meeting today. How about we have dinner together when I get back?"

You can tell Adit cares for Gloria. A part of me is jealous that Adit has this type of affinity with Gloria. Only I do not know who I am jealous of. Adit sent me away because she felt that she couldn't care for me or would stop caring for me. Yet she is here for Gloria.

Gloria just smiles and nods. Adit leans down and kisses her forehead before turning to me. The look in her eyes speaking volumes. Looking briefly over her shoulder, she nods at the people stepping in line behind her.

"I will leave you in charge puppy," she says. "Be good and have fun."

With that she turns and leaves the hall. I look over at Kaira, who looks just as baffled as I feel. I glance at Gloria who is looking like she no longer has a care in the world. Charles returns with extra plates and silverware.

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