Turning of the Tide

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Waking up face down and butt naked in the middle of the bed. I blink away the cruel sunlight streaming through the open curtains. Grimacing as I start to rollover. Hissing the moment my back touches the sheets.

"Ahhh, ooohhhh fuck." I groan, "I swear I'm married to wolverine, lady deathstrike."

Hearing Kaira snicker off to the side, I turn my head to see her on her laptop.

"Poor baby." She says getting up to come sit next to me. "How bad are you hurting?"

Raising my arms, I stretch out my muscles, wanting to cry out with every move I make.

"Great heavens woman, you tore me up." Looking at the marks on my chest, legs and arms. I can only imagine what my back looks like. Leaning over I give her a quick kiss before standing and heading into the bathroom. "Did you shower yet?"

"Yes baby, I've been up for a while now."

"Ok give me a second and then we can head out for food if you're hungry. I'm famished."

Turning the shower on, I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste before stepping under the water. Wanting to scream like a punk as the hot water hits my war wounds. I resign to my faith by biting into the brush. Kaira hates when I brush my teeth in the shower but I see killing two birds.

Letting the water rundown my head and shoulders before I rinse. I grab my towel and body wash and tenderly wash myself. Shaking off the sting as the soap cascades across me. Rinsing off and wrapping a towel around me, I go back into the room.

Seeing Kaira back on her laptop, I bend down to kiss her again before sitting on the bed.

"I believe I packed the cream." She says smiling innocently at me.

"Ok smart ass. I wasn't too hard on you last night, was I?" I ask thinking about the baby. "You would've told me if I was right?"

Reaching out for my hand she looks my way under her lashes.

"Yes love," she says kissing my knuckles, "but you do know that some of your favorite additions will have to be removed until after the baby gets here?"

Tilting my head to think about what she just said it dawns on me.

"That's ok. You eat?" I ask already knowing the answer but it is confirmed when she looks away. "My child better be healthy babe."

Getting up and throwing on clothes, I turn back to her.

"You want to eat out or you want me to go grab something?"

"What are my options?" She asks going back to her laptop.

"Exta'z is around the corner. They have those meat patty things that you like." I tell her, watching her inner debate.

"Hmmm, call something in." She finally decides. "I really don't want to go anywhere until we have to tonight."

Side eyeing her as I get the phone call up Exta'z and place our order. Sitting across from I grab my laptop to check my emails. I despise menial tasks.


Perking up, I come across an email from one of our advisors pertaining to the jet I'm trying to procure. Doing my happy dance in my seat at the news. Kaira looks my way with a perfectly arched eyebrow. Sticking my tongue out at her, I continue to dance in my seat.

"Do it again, I dare you." She says. Stopping me movements, I shave my head. I swear at times she really can see me.

"Any who, Colton has responded back." I tell her. "The jet has been purchased and will be ready in two weeks. Give or take."

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