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Twisting my neck, I feel the bones along my spine realign. I've been sitting in this chair, prescribed by Kaira, by way of Adit. I still can't believe that muthafucka stabbed me. Man, fuck that, saying she stabbed me is putting shit lightly.

That...that...that muthafucka Kratos'ed me dude.

Like who the fuck does that to they homie? One quick answer Adit.

Fucking Adit does.

And then she disappears. The moment the first footstep crosses over clan lands, she is nowhere to be found. Three days later I'm still sitting in this chair, fucking broken. Kaira says its something about the metal and genetic material that makes up Adit's blade. Other than the fact of knowing she stabbed me on purpose, I feel like she did it for a deeper reason. Her words of caution, her complete distrust towards the beings gathering below.

"Stop thinking so hard love," Kaira says, walking past me, running her fingers through my dreads. Her nails gently scratching my scalp. "You're giving me anxiety." Smacking my lips, I lean back in the chair and continue to watch our 'guests.'

She moves around the chair, squatting in front of me. Her forever opaque eyes glimmering in amusement, locking to mine. I swear the call out to me, forcing my eyes down to her.

Fuck man she is so beautiful.

I lick my lips and try not to smile. The love adorning her face as she looks at me speaking volumes. "I'm not going crazy babe."

"I know."

Blinking I return my gaze to the field. "Something is out there babe." I look back at her. "Something is waiting out there to destroy us." She sighs, averting her eyes. "Someone," I continue.

Its like watching an enemy army gathering at the gates, seeking a way to invade your home. Not only are more of them working their way through our territory. Scoping out all our secrets before presenting themselves at our door. I watch as the guards surrounding the area move farther out and double up.

Can't say Adit didn't get everyone prepared.

"You ready to get out of this chair?" Kaira asks, still playing with my dreads as she stands up. "See what kid of strength we have in those hips." Caressing over me. "Cause riding just ain't cutting it for me," she says winking as she steps back. She fingertips dancing over my skin, down my arms to my hands. Grasping them she tugs slightly.

I drop my head and look at her through my lashes. Her eyes telling me that she can do this all day. She leans back onto the railing, patiently gazing at me. Sighing I allowing her to pull me up. Feeling the burn in my legs as a push my upper body forward. They shake as I am brought upright, rising up. She steps forward, catching me as I sway forward a little. The pinch in my hips causing me to stumble.

You're talking about one week. Seven whole fucking days since I have been able to stand. The pull in my wound is nothing compared to the twinge along my waist. My upper lip twitches with the residual pain, lingering in my thoughts.

Kaira dips and slides her body along mine, pulling my arm around her shoulders. Her free arm sliding around my waist. She supports me. Turning towards me resting her hand along my sternum. "We have to go down there," she tells me. She drops down to her knees, massaging my aching legs.

Grunting I stare at the beings below. "It's been three days Kaira since anyone has seen or heard from her. Even Aja is becoming agitated." I shake my head thinking about her last visit when she was checking up on Kaira and our daughter. Her hands wouldn't stop shaking.

"Hmmm," Kaira agrees pinching me. She stands up in front of me. Raising my shirt up she smirks trailing her fingers down my side. I snicker. My eyes going wide as I realize I feel no pain at the movement. She glances up at me. "Seems you are well enough again. And just in time for the meet and greet."

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