the Shroud is Ripped in Two

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I can do nothing but stare at Ezzy. My mind filled with complete numbness. It is utterly void right now. I don't know this person. Have never heard of this person. And still this person wants to hurt me. Wants to hurt me by hurting my family. Destroying my life. Kaira hasn't hurt anyone in all her lifetime. My child isn't even here to hurt anyone. I don't get it.

"Why?" I ask sounding as lost as I feel. "Why would she?"

"Because of who you are," she sighs out. "Because of what you carry. And who you know."

"I don't know anyone ma'am."

"Just because you don't know her, doesn't mean that she doesn't know you," she says. "You see, the thing with Nerezza is, she believes she has the upper hand in this world. She thought she had it back on Mecca."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sure you know by now that many of my people have dabbled in the dark arts," she says looking at me. "The true believers of that part of us, are her followers. The dark world is hers to control."

"Can you explain please?"

"Nerezza has never been someone to leave anything to chance," she begins. "Especially anything involving Adit. But she always makes the same mistakes."

"What mistakes are those? And what does Adit have to do with her wanting to kill my family?"

"Nerezza plays her hand before time because she believes she knows the whole future," she starts.

"I'm sorry, look can you please stop talking in riddles. I appreciate that you are welling to tell me things that everyone else seems to want to keep hidden but I'm tired of the riddles. You just told me that someone I don't know. That I have never met, is out to kill my family." I say. "And I apologize for snapping but please...please just tell me everything. Everything that you can at least."

"You know how Kaira came to live with us?" She asks.

"All I know is that Adit brought her to your village." I say. "And we just recently found that out."

"I will tell you the why then." She looks at me scratching her head. "Her parents were trying to sell her to Nerezza. Adit found them on one of her nightly excursions waiting by the docks for Nerezza to arrive."

My eyes open wide in shock.

"Did...has Adit told Kaira this?" I ask thinking about my baby. The thought of her having to find something this extreme out alone, without me, breaks me.

"No. We agreed to tell you both this together but seeing how things are changing I feel it's best to tell you now."

"Why were they trying to do it?" I ask getting angry at the thought of my love's parents trying to sell her. I have laid awake with her many nights crying over her parents. Wondering what has happened to them. Trying to figure out if she did something to make them go away. "Where are they now? Her parents?"

"Adit killed them." Closing her eyes, she continues. "You asked about what happens to evil people. If they are more us than human, Adit can take back her gift. If they are human, their souls are casted back to Nerezza. She took their gifts and their souls."


"We didn't understand why Nerezza wanted Kaira back then. We feel like we do now." she says.


"Your child. Nerezza needs to keep Adit down and making it where your child was never born would be the way to do that." she looks at me again.

"How did she even know about my child or Kaira being my child's mother?" I ask trying to fully understand.

"I told you Nerezza controls the dark world." she answers.

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