A glimpse

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You think after twenty-five years together burying my dick inside my baby's sweet pussy would feel like everyday blah. If so then you have never had a female that locks,  mold and reforms around your dick every time you come together. I swear I can feel the pull drag and release of her walls encasing me. Oh fuck she is so wild on me. Bucking and turning while grinding all on me. Her soft strip of hair tickling my stomach on each of her downward movements. Slapping up against her feeling her juices mist and mingle with my hair gently coating my skin.

"more" she demands, slamming her hips down against mine.

Taking her nipple into my mouth I roll us over now I'm riding her pussy sinking deeper and deeper into her. Rolling my hips into a grind with every down stroke. Pushing at her clit. Raising her right leg higher and over my hips, I lean back up and kiss her hard.

She pushes me back onto my back. Relaxing her legs down against mine while being held up only by my hands cupping her breast. I squeeze and pinch her nipples as I feel her body tightening around me. Her body is moving sporadically over mine. I grab her ass cheeks and start controlling her movements. She is speaking in her native tongue calling out to me. As I start drilling up in her. Pounding her thighs on top of mine. She locks on me. Screaming her love into my ear. While her body bathes me in it. I feel her milking me demanding everything I have to give and I swear I explode in her triggering another scream from her. Her movements become slow and jerking. I push myself completely into her. Holding her clit against my stomach. I stare up into her glowing bluish-white eyes.

Still, inside her, I pull her down to lay on top of me. Kissing her as I push back her sweat soaked hair.

"you will be the death of me" I whisper against her mouth. Her heart is beating as wildly as my own. Drumming against my chest.

Putting her hands on my shoulder and moving with cat-like grace into a sitting position with my dick still buried deep inside her. She starts to wind on me. I feel her movements from the tip of my dick to the middle of my spine. She is flooding me with her wetness. I'm drowning in her. She is pouring her love down on me as she slowly works her hips in circles. Digging her nails into my chest as she moves faster on me. I feel myself getting close. I'm about to paint her inner walls. She squeezes me again and I lose all control. My body tensing massively as i grip her hips holding her still on top of me. 

Easing my body out of hers I feel myself return to normal. 

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