When Darkness Fell

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Earlier that day

After Kaira and I finished talking, I had her take a nap. I know she will need to be well rested for whatever we have to endure tonight. Even with all the crazies going on I want her and our child to remain safe.

As I sit here watching her sleep, I find myself thinking of everything that has brought us here. All the pain, suffering and turmoil that we constantly encountered. I wonder if Adit had anything to with it. I mean, don't get me wrong, we are set for life. But I can't help but feel as if we have been living blind. Perhaps focusing on the wrong thing. Or not necessarily wrong, just irrelevant.

I glance at the clock and see we still have a few hours before we have to meet up with Peter. I want to lay next to Kaira but I'm entirely too anxious to rest. I stand up and walk to bed before I lean down to kiss her. Tucking her in moor, I stand to my full height going to my bag to a joint.

Stealing another glance at Kaira, I head out to the patio to spark up. I leave the door slightly cracked to listen out. I post up against the railing and look over the property. It's very lush around here, but overly so on this property. Perfectly hidden and tucked away from the roughness of Port au Prince. Looking out over the mountains, and seeing the real beauty of Haiti. Rows upon rows of houses and homes. Some seemingly stacked on one another. Most probably completely filled to the brim with families.

Taking another hit of my joint I think about this poverty ridden place. There is so much beauty here amongst the destruction and disaster. It's melancholy and heartening being here. And to think Kaira was raised here, in a time where her skin color defined her not just her social status. I wonder what it looked like back then. Without all the houses and people.

Shaking off my current nostalgia, I hear laughter coming from other guests. Leaning further over the banister, I see couples lounging around. Groups of friends being carefree over drinks in the courtyard.

They say ignorance is bliss.

Movement behind me causes me to peak through the door. Seeing Kaira switch her position in sleep, I remain outside. Finally, my mind and body are relaxed even if it is just for a moment. But in this moment, I'll be carefree like the people congregating below.


"Baby" Kaira's sweet voice whispers close to my ear. "Baby it's time to wake up."

She runs her fingers through my dreads, gently shaking me. Cracking my eyes open, I see the sun has begun to set. Standing up and stretching my bones pop.

"Why didn't you get in the bed?" She asks laughing. "You are far too tall to be sleeping in a chair. Weren't you uncomfortable?"

Pulling her to me and bringing my nose to her neck, I take in her scent. I hold her for a second. Stepping back, I take notice to the fact that she is dressed and ready.

"A little bit. I didn't want to disturb you and I came out here to smoke. I didn't mean to fall asleep. Give me a second and I'll be ready."

Taking her hand and leading her back into the room. I release her and walk into the bathroom for a quick shower to wake up. And of course, to brush my teeth again. Getting out the shower drying off, I step into the cooler temperature in the room. Looking at Kaira to see how she is dressed doesn't help me much.

"Hey babe?" I say getting her attention.

"Yes love?"

"I don't know what to wear to this. I mean are we going to sleep so pajamas? Or all dark like a ninja for sneaking?" I look up to see her blinking at me. She is looking at me like I blew her fuse.

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