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She is standing up on a hill, watching everyone and everything. She is wearing a tan sarong with a simple binding. Her hair running two braids into a ponytail. The sides of her head shaved bald. The tattoos standing sharp along her scalp. Strapped to her back I can see the hilts of her swords. At her belt, daggers adorn her waist, gauntlets are around her wrist. As usual there is a blunt dangling between her lips.

Hot Fry walks towards me, carrying two swords. She hands one to me. Her face is actually set serious. I look down at my sword. Catching a quick glance before it is struck out of my hands.

"This is where you're dreaming to be," she drops her sword, and grabs my collar, pushing me back then pulling me forward. Her fist slamming into my jaw. Laying me to the ground. "And this is where you are."

Stepping away and dusting her hands off. I resist the urge to glance towards Adit. I go to stand up slowly, keeping my eyes locked on Hot Fry. As I raise my body, I am suddenly knocked down. Pain explodes against my head as a knee is taken.

"Aahhh," is all I can say. Falling to my back.

What the fuck is happening. Hot Fry/Kay is kicking my ass and has been since she met up with me.

Breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth. I slowly stand up, preparing my body to anticipate her next attack. She launches up as if to knee me again, only to push back last minute striking me in my side with her shin. As I clench and stumble back, she drives forward with an elbow to my sternum.

Who'd have fucking thought that Hot Fry was more than a jokester.

Sidestepping her next launched series. I drop down letting her blow go over me, coming up powering punching her. She dabs at the corner of her mouth; I see her lick her lip. Instead of waiting for her attack, I take offense and strike. We trade blows ending the series with me throwing a backhand, only for her to duck, and throw a combo.

For the next couple of hours straight it is just me and Kay. I can't even think of her as Hot Fry right now. This is a whole different person, a different breed even. Her strength and power are deadly. Her speed vicious. That and the fact that she can take a hit and have it shaken off before you even acknowledge that you even got a hit in.

"BREAK," she yells.

Dropping to the ground, I lay there sprawled out and panting. The most of my wounds already in the process of healing. On the edges of my hearing I can hear the sounds of metal striking one another repeatedly. I heft myself up and look at Kay in question.

"Come on Kiddo," she says.

She leads me to where a crowd has gathered around the sounds. There is a great deal of youths here. All carrying some form of a weapon. They are anxiously standing to the point of fidgeting. I look over their heads to the center of the circle. There fighting off almost 40 young adults and teenagers is Adit. They are going at her in all directions. She keeps her blade flat as she deflects weapons and exchange a series of strokes with her own. I can see from the drips of blood and half splayed skin. That she hasn't been quite so lucky. She doesn't even flinch with each and every nick and blow delivered, almost all unexpectantly.

Movement from the right draws my attention. Another squad of kids are sneaking up in Adit's blind spot. The ones that Adit is currently fighting gives nothing away. You can hear the collective breaths being held. Just as the first teen is bearing down on Adit, she draws her second sword, and goes airborne to flip backwards landing behind the teen to swat him in the butt with the flat of her sworn before turning and kicking another teen in the butt towards his comrades.

"She is amazing, isn't she?" I hear someone in the crowd ask no one particular.

Adit hasn't even broken a sweat. She is openly smiling and laughing, just tussling the kids around. I glance at Hot Fry/Kay standing ahead of me before I go over to her. I stand next to her looking over the field at the mayhem happening. Complete mayhem. Adit is jumping and flipping over everyone causing the kids to run into one another. Just barely tucking or turning blades to avoid serious injury. Sidestepping out of the chaos Adit just watches. The group of teens are all huddled together pilling up against each other they don't even realize that Adit is no longer on the field. I feel her eyes on me. Looking up I see her gaze before she purses her lips, turns and walks away.

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