At First Sight

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"I want my sight back," Kaira repeats. "I called to Aja this morning to talk to her about it."

I sit back and look at Aja who is standing patiently next to a seated Adit, who is looking back and forth between Kaira and I.

"It's your choice babe, you know I will support whatever decision you make," I tell her. "What brought this on babe?"

"Ahh, damn," Adit lets out, standing up swiftly. "Who the," quick glance at Aja. "Who will now be my Mizaru?" She grabs her heart.

My eyes widen, as within less than the span of time, Aja's form expands and smacks the holy hell out of Adit. I jump causing Kaira to become alert. Adit jumps and tenses as her eyes become UFOs. Her body fazing out as Aja grabs her ear. Her being pulsing a fierce, blinding light.

Kaira clutches to me, like she is in pain. Shockwaves run through me with the intensity of it. My jaw locks shut, my teeth grinding together in agony. Electrical currents seem to be traveling to and fro between us. When it ends we stay seated holding into each other. Our muscles continue to twitch.

I open my eyes and turn my face into Kaira's neck. I feel her hands playing with my shirt. I sit back and lay her against my chest. My heart is still pounding. I breathe deeply as Kaira sits up. My eyes never leaving her face. I feel as if I'm more shaken up than she is.

Her eyes are wide. Then the most miraculous thing happens. She looks dead into my eyes. Her hands come up to my face. Tears form and begin cascading down her cheeks.

"You are so beautiful," she whispers. "Are you really mine?"

I can't stop my own tears. I pull her deep into me. Smiling through my tears. "Yes baby all and only yours."


I would go through that again to see the smile that is gracing Kaira's features. She pulls back and starts kissing me all over my face.

"Stand up for me love," she says.

Removing her from my lap, I stand before her. Her eyes wander up and down my frame, taking me in for the first time. Her eyes are the same opaque color that I love.

"I have wanted to truly see your beautiful face for so long," she tells me, reaching up to cup my face again.

"How do you feel?" I ask. She is still staring at me in awe.

"Amazing," she says standing to embrace me. "Thank you." Cocking an eyebrow, which she smooths out. "Just for being you and for being here."

I kiss her sincerely. I hold this woman dear to my heart. "No other place I'd rather be."

"What did Aja do to Adit?" She asks.

I shake my head and shrug. "I have no earthly idea of what happened."

Suddenly she bursts out crying. I quickly take her into my arms. Soothingly rubbing her back. I know this is an emotional ordeal for her. I turn us around so I can sit down and hold her. But she doesn't want to be held. She just sits there not taking her eyes off of me.

"I want to see all of you," she tells me.

Both my eyebrows ascend with her request. I nod my head and stand again. Sitting her back on the sofa. I won't lie I'm nervous as hell. What if she doesn't like what she sees?

I lower my hands to my waist to remove my tshirt. Leaving me in my sports bra. I undo the strings to my shorts, pushing them down and letting them drop.  Thanking all above for my choice to wear boxer briefs. I still move my hands in front of myself.

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