Truth and Knowledge

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 Waking up still on top of her I go to move. She moans my name and holds me still. I can feel the moisture of tears on my skin as she clings to me.

"I love you please know that." she tearfully says.

Rolling us onto our sides kissing her soundly. Tasting the tears on her lips. I look into her eyes

"I know and I love you so much, baby."

She purses her lips and takes a deep breath, "I'll let you ask a question or I'm going to delve straight into this."

"just talk. No, wait how did you know to run?"

"because we are the same baby. Well not exactly the same. But years of living has made me aware about certain things."

I stare blinking at her.

Taking a deep breath she begins to explain. "I was born in 1697 to the Tainos people...." about halfway into her story I start finally coming to and going straight into panic mode.

Pressing her body onto mine she tries to calm me and continue to explain. My questions are being answered but still in shock. My love is stating she is like me. That she is older than me. That we can have forever together.

"how did we begin? How many others are like us?"

"we are just born this way. The majority of my tribe were born this way. It is said and believed that we are descendants of lycans. Someone in your family more than likely carried the gene and it awakened in you. But there is a major difference with you. I don't know. And I won't know until we get to my village. Does this scare or worry you Omari?"


"Whats that?"

"The name I was born with."

"Imani," she says letting it roll off her tongue. "both names suit you"

"Omari is my middle name. And no I'm actually relieved. I was scared of losing you one day. I always avoided falling in love knowing it couldn't last forever. That's why I ran when we were first working on getting together. When you say lycans you mean werewolves? Am I going to turn into a werewolf?"

"No baby," she says laughing at me. "come on let's get some rest. We are going to my old village before we leave this part of the country."

Snuggling deeper into me my love drifts off. Sleep isn't so easy for me, though. My brain is on overdrive trying to comprehend everything that was told to me.

Arriving in Haiti was not what I expected. It was as if I was brought back in time. The land is beautiful and so are the people. But looking around at the living situation broke my heart. Driving through the roads seeing the houses clustered together. The children stop and stare while mothers try to push them along. I look at Kaira.

"this is where you born?"

"no, my people are further west."

I can detect her slight accent I can only assume being back here is bringing it out.

Arriving at a pleasantly built stone dwelling Kaira moves to get out the car. I see everyone stop and stare at my love. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Getting out the car I walk to stand next to her not really sure what is taking place. People make their way to the car. And start to bow or plain simply drop to the ground at the feet of my woman.

"I told you I am royalty here." she states as if she can feel my gaze on her. "come on we have to be quick about it."

Leading me through the doors of the home. Servants run to Kaira's side.

"Welcome back," they all say.

Kaira walks confidently through the halls with me following close behind her. Entering a room she walks alongside what looks like a throne. Bending over running her finger along the edge a drawer pops out. Grabbing the material inside. She rises and walks over to me.

"come we are done here."

Grabbing my hand she leads me out the room and back out front of the home. Once in the car she sits next to me and shows me what we came for.

"these are papers allowing us to travel throughout the world without too many questions being asked. We need to go away for some time. Let a few years pass should we decide to return."

"so where are we headed?"

"where do you want to go? I noticed this isn't your first time on the run."

"No, its my way of life. How come those people didn't react to seeing you again?"

"It's  common among my people to see someone you haven't seen centuries down the road. They know that one day I will be back again."

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