Never happened before

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MMMBop, ba duba dup, mmmbop dup bup mmmbop bop bop

MMMMbop ba duba dup dowop ba dobbo duop dop.

Yea  E yea

MMMbop bop bop mmmbop de da dop dop

"I swear if you sing that song one more fucking time Imani, I'm going to beat you senseless." Kaira sneers at me,

I am shocked, Kaira rarely uses curse words and even more rarely uses my given name, this must be serious. I stop to look at her face. Her eyes are blazing as her cute little nose is scrunched up. Her hands are almost balled into fists. She seems very tense right now.

MMMBop, ba duba dup, mmmbop dup bup mmmbop bop bop

MMMMbop ba duba dup dowop ba dobbo duop dop.

"FUCKING THAT'S IT," she says lunging at me, with her fist raised. I can't fight her back or protect myself from laughing so hard. My tiny whirlwind. 




I manage to get out between her hits, synchronizing each hit she lands with a BOP.

"I fucking don't like you right now Imani."

"Why not? I happen to like this song. And you used to love it. " I supply state.

"You didn't even like this song when it came out in 1997." Kaira says shooting daggers at me. 

"It grew on me." I say grabbing her waist to hold her closer to me.

"Over twenty years later?" she asks cocking her eyebrow before digging her elbow into my rib cage and standing up, "I'm not playing Imani, try me again."

Raising my hands in surrender, I start humming the song instead. Preparing to run when Kaira casting her eyes in my direction. I know she is mad and I know how I have been handling things is very immature but at this moment I can't help it. I am scared. I don't believe I have ever been scared at least not this scared. I don't know what to do but right now, not going to lie, annoying Kaira seems to be helping me.  Shame on me.

MMMBop, ba duba dup, mmmbop dup bup mmmbop bop bop

MMMMbop ba duba dup dowop ba dobbo duop dop.

I didn't even see her lunge this time, before I was on my back on the floor, with her straddling my waist. Staring up into her opaque colored eyes, I know she is within about a second of actually beating me senseless.

"OK OK OK, I quit. I'll stop." I manage to get out while grabbing her hands, bringing them to my mouth to kiss each knuckle. Breathing in deeply I let my head drop down hard onto the surface below. "I'm sorry. Ok? I just, I just, I don't know babe. I don't know how to deal with this."

"Deal with what Imani?" she exasperatedly says. "Are you talking about the baby? The baby you and I created? Are you trying to back out? Do you not want you own child?"

"Whoa woman whoa." I say still looking up at her before she gets up and makes her way to the counter. "I'm not saying half of what you just threw at me. Yes I am talking about the baby.  I have better been the one to have created this child with. No I am not backing out, but I believe I have the right to be like what the fuck right now. And yes I want any and all life that we create. I'm sorry I just didn't think it was possible. Kaira I never planned on being a parent. I spent my years being a lesbian even with you. Then came the transformations, that I might add, we both thoroughly enjoyed. I just didn't think that it would lead to parenthood.."

She sighs shaking her head before looking down.

"I'm sorry Kaira I didn't think to ask you to test what I was shooting out into your body....." I say

"I did test it." I hear her say but I can't seem to stop my word vomit right now.

"And maybe if I had asked you to we could have had this children discussion. I would have been more prepared or we could've taken precautions until we were ready." I keep rambling on.

"I did run test on your sperm, I knew they were fertile." She softly whispers.

"Cause I want kids" I get out before her words hit me, "YOU WHAT? AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?" Blinking a few times I look at her "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did not meant to yell. I am just. I am just Wow Kaira really? Like dude, why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think to. No wait that is a lie. I honestly didn't care about it?" she whispers, lowering her head. "I have been blessed with being able to spend more than a lifetime with you. Yes, I knew there was a chance but it was one I didn't care about."

"Kaira, I want all that with you. A life forever. A family. I want everything with you." I get out withholding my tears. "Why didn't you really let me know?" 

"Because in some ways I thought having your child,  you would always be with me." she whispers.

The gravity of what she is truly saying hits me. I knew that she always carried this fear of me one day dying. I take a deep breath before I start approaching her.

"Baby..." I start, as I reach out to her.

"No," she says pushing my hands away and backing up from me. "You don't get it, you don't understand. And no before you say you do, you don't. If you die I am still here, alone without the love of my life. So yes I knew there was a chance and no I didn't tell you but to have a part of you with me forever is worth that secret."

I look at her breaking down in front of me and don't know what to say. She has spent the better part of our relationship trying to answer the question of what am I. I don't think I've ever really tried to completely understand her feelings about me one day not being here.

Reaching out slowly again, I bring her to me. Wrapping my arms around her and burying my nose in her hair.

"Baby I'm sorry. I had no idea you have been holding this in." I say cupping her face. "And you're right I wouldn't understand. But right now, for now and as long as I can be, I'm here. I'm here for you and for our child."

She leans up and kisses me.

"Holy fuck we are having a baby." I breath out.

"Yes, you are." a voice says from behind us.

Quickly, turning around and placing Kaira behind me. I look at the stranger in front of me.

"Who the fuck are you?" I demand.

The stranger looks at me tilting their head before looking behind at Kaira.

"Its you" says Kaira, trying to move me out of the way, "you told me I was pregnant."

"Yes." the stranger says.

Grabbing Kaira back to me but she refuses to get behind me this time.

This heifer.

"I'm only going to ask this one more time. Who the fuck are you?' I grit out between clenched teeth.

The stranger's eyes move from Kaira over to me. Then suddenly smirks. Feeling my blood boil as rage fills me I lunge at the stranger. And before I even can blink I'm slammed up against the wall. The stranger hasn't even moved from the spot they have been standing in.

What the fuck just happened?

I'm being held up by nothing and by everything. I can feel a hand almost wrapped around me neck as the stranger continues to look at me.

"Stop!!!" Kaira yells walking towards the stranger. "Stop. Please let her go"

Quirking an eyebrow the stranger releases me. Falling to the floor, I reach out to Kaira, who is standing too close to this person for my comfort.

That's definitely a first.

Walking around Kaira, to squat down over me, tilting their head again.

"I am Adit."

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