In the Name of Science

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She runs her fingers down my sides again it tickles. "stop squirming."

"well stop tickling me,"

I notice then that I'm still on the bathroom floor. I run my hands over myself checking to be sure that it was just a dream. I find everything normal and as it should be. Getting up off the floor I reach down to help Kaira up.

"Are you OK?" she asks running her hand over my face and forehead moving my dreads aside.

"Yes. A little shaken up but otherwise I'm good. I don't know that what the hell just happened but I prefer that it never does again."

"Do you want to talk about it. I mean I heard you scream then fall. I ran into the bathroom and found you laying there. What happened?"

"If I told you-you wouldn't believe me."

"Try me"

"I had...uhum...well I had a penis"

"A what?"

"A penis." Even saying that feels as foreign as it sounds coming from my mouth. "You were on my lap. And I started feeling hot and currents was running all through me. Next thing I know you were asking what was something. I went into the bathroom and looked down and I had a full on erection."

I look at Kaira and she is snickering at me.

"This isn't funny baby."

"I know I know but this just proves my point. Tell me were you thinking about penetrating me?"

"I'm sorry to say what come again?"

"You heard me"

"I mean you were on my lap and I may have thought about being inside you while you move like that on me. But that's not my first time having that thought."

"No but your cells are changing baby. Your body is meeting your demands and your wants. Now don't say no but I think we need to see if I'm right." Even for a blind person she has a gleam in her eyes. "Now this is strictly for scientific purposes only."

She starts moving towards me. Even though she has explained how she sees me I still find it discerning when she knows my exact location. Placing her hands on my shoulders she pushes me down and glides into my lap.

"Think about all the things you could do to me with your cock. About how you can fill me. Stretch me out."

She slides between my legs running her hands over my crotch. My breath hitches as the visual of her words start to wreck havoc on my brain.

"How my pussy will feel wrapped around you gripping you tightly. Reaching places inside me that have never been touched."

She lifts my shirt and starts running her tongue over my abs. I start to feel that tingling sensation in my groin again. She licks her way down to my pubes. My gut clenches.

"I would be able to take you in my mouth and love you in an entirely different way. Would you cum in my mouth baby?"

My skin is on fire once again as the currents start shooting throughout my body. In my mind's eye, I can see her licking over my dick before straddling me. Taking me deep into her body.

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