The Fallen

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Casting my eyes around. I'm searching. I am searching for my love. She was here. She was here and now she is gone. What? Oh god. Where? Where is she? My gaze locks on Peter.

I run over to him. I am not myself. I am not within my body. All I see is me picking him up and slamming him against a wall in this room.

"WHERE IS SHE???" I yell in his face. He begins to stutter out an answer.

Oh, my friend, not quick enough.

Pulling him off the wall, I slam him down on a table.

My bad.

He went through the table.

Picking him up by his throat again. I slam him back into a wall. His body almost goes through it. The indentation from his form constructing a perfect outline.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY WIFE???" I yell out.

He is not making a sound. Not a whimper or a peep. But I don't care, wrapping my hand around his neck, I haul him up. I don't even know where to put him.

What? That table is back together.

"WHERE IS SHE???" I ask, throwing him into another wall. Going to swing him back around. I stumble.

How? No impressions in the wall.

What the fuck?

Blinking away my confusion. Shaking my head at this disorder. I feel him convulse within my grasp. Basically, power bombing him to the floor,

And he still doesn't say anything. It's like he isn't feeling anything. But me? My feelings have hit haywire. Everything that makes me, ME. Is all over the place. I cannot even begin to formulate one thought. Just one constructive thought. My mind and myself is on destruction. I want to destroy him. I NEED to destroy him. He took her away. She is not here because of him. My life is done. My love is nonexistence. My heart is no longer beating. And it is all because of him.

Bring him up higher, I want him to say something. I NEED him to say anything. And I can admit to myself that no matter what he says, it will be the wrong answer. But he is completely silent. He is like a shell. It's like his mind has been wiped away. A Clockwork Orange. The Manchurian Candidate. American Ultra. Wiped away. Left staring blankly into nothing.

But even seeing this. Possibly knowing this. I can't stop. I begin to beat him. Throwing him and there, Near or far. My fists balling up. My arm retracting and descending with full force into any part of his body I can come in contact it with. My knuckles becoming bloodied and bruised from each strike landed.

And still he doesn't make a sound. He doesn't cower. He doesn't move away. I am beating a husk. I am trying to kill a ghost. I am. I have no clue of what I currently am. But I know he caused this. And this is all I know.

"Where is she?" I ask again feeling myself starting to get winded. But I can't bring myself to stop. "Tell me?"

I've been going at this for hours. Just beating him. The feeling of my flesh connecting with his flesh is the only thing making me feel human. The only thing that is grounding me. Hit on hit. Skin to skin joining. Human nature. True human nature. I need to break him. I need him to make a sound. I need a sound period.

"I FUCKING NEED MY WIFE!!!!!" hit. Pick up and slam.

"YOU TOOK HER FROM ME!!!!!" hit. Pick up and drag.

I am straddling him. I can do nothing other than rain down punches. And it clicks. There is no blood. No gashes. No scrapes. No bruises. Nothing to show I have inflected anything on him. No pain. No suffering. He cannot fell my pain and suffering right now. He is not hurt. He has no loss. And I have lost her. I have lost everything.

My wife. Punch to the face.

My love. Body punch.

My heart. Another body punch.

My dreams. Another face punch.

My hopes and even my insecurities. Face and body this time.

And my child. Straight punch to the nose.

I feel bones break underneath my fist but nothing is showing on him.

I guess I'll just keep going

My body starts to slow down. My heart is beating faster and louder. Spots dance before my eyes. My swings are turning sloppy.

"Where?" I drag out.

"Just tell me where?" I began as I breakdown.

"Please. Whereis my world?" I ask as darkness consumes me.

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