Pain In My Soul

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Waking up later that day, I notice first off, the soft weight of Kaira is missing. I open my eyes and look around. I see her standing over Adit checking her wounds.

"Her healing has kicked in," she says. "Most of the superficial wounds have healed already. The ones that were burnt down to her bones will take some time. I think in another day or two they will be superficial also."

I nod my head as I stretch and get up. Walking over to where Kaira is standing, I look down at Adit. She looks so serene right now. Her face isn't set hard and menacing. With her face so relaxed I would think she was young adult. I would place her age to be 23. The contours of her face are more like Aja. I wonder what her father looks like. I believe her stronger features may come from him.

Even when I'm sleeping, you're checking me out.

I jump back.

"What the fuck?" I say.

"What's wrong?" Kaira asks turning to me.

"I swear I just heard Adit in my head." I say moving back a little more.

"I wouldn't put it past her," she says turning back to Adit.

Kaira slowly raises her head and looks off towards a wall. The air in the room changes as a blinding light appears. I have to shield my eyes from it. Removing my hand from my eyes I see Aja standing there. She walks over to Adit. She shakes her head as she reaches out towards her.

"My poor child," she says. She looks at Kaira. "You have done a magnificent job helping her. I thank you. Oh, where are my manners, I am Aja, Adit's mother."

She walks around to stand next to Kaira. She places one hand on her shoulder as she places her other hand within Kaira grasping it.

"I am Kaira. It's nice to meet you." say Kaira.

Aja turns to me, raising her arms she brings me into a hug.

"Good to see you again Imani." she says.

"You too, Aja," I say returning the hug.

She releases me and walks back to Adit. Her hand hover over Adit's wounds.

"If anyone would have told me Ezzy would be the one to betray Adit and hurt her in such a manner I would've laughed at them," she says.

I hear Kaira gasp and feel her tense next me.

"Ezzy did this?" she asks.

Her hands shake as she covers her mouth. She steps back and turns Aja. I move to her and wrap my arms around her. She fights me off, shaking her head. I can see the tears have already begun to run down her face.

"I'm sorry baby," I tell her. "With everything that happened with Adit, we didn't get to go home and talk."

I approach her again and wrap my arms around her. She doesn't fight me off this time. I pull her to me and kiss her head. My shirt is soaking up her tears. Rubbing her back I look at Aja.

"Can you heal Adit?" I ask her.

"I could but she won't allow me to," she says.

"Why not?"

"Adit wants the pain, she no longer feels worthy of me being her mother, or me healing her after battle. Even on Mecca she never wanted me to heal her. In her eyes, her men or women, were hurt and feeling pain, she should feel the pain also," she says smiling. "She was, I should say is, a great leader."

I pull Kaira closer.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her.

She shakes her head no. My heart breaks for her. I know this is an unforeseen blow to her. Adit was right, this is a betrayal to her also. I lead her to the couch and let her sit down.

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