Will the Real Adit Please Stand Up

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"Hot Fry can I ask you something?" I ask looking at her.

"You can ask me anything." She says.

"I see Adit doing things for humans, but why doesn't she do more?" I ask.

"What do you mean do more?" she says glances at me.

"The acts of violence, the racism, just human nature I suppose." I say to her.

"You have to understand something Imani. Racism never took place on Mecca. Yes, there were many different color of people, but they weren't classified by their race. Social class wasn't even a thing until Nerezza wanted more power. Yes, Adit can end it all and force her will on everyone but that takes away free will and that isn't what she is about. And if she was to decide to take on one race doesn't that make her a bigot? Humans, people period need to learn to stand together. It's like us you know, there are various types of weres out there and we don't discriminate who is in our pack. We just ask that all are respected."

"But can't she do something to create some form of peace between everyone?" I ask.

"And what would you have her do? More than she is already doing. This war that we fight constantly isn't for us. And it isn't as if she doesn't care about people, she just understands them better. Look at all the great tragedies that have taken place over time. People band together for the moment then things go right back to the way it was. And you have people sitting up top in the white house egging it on. They want to see people destroy each other. The lower classes stay down."

"Is Nerezza really the root to all this?" I ask.

"I can't answer that kid. I think she plays a big part in filling the world with greed and mistrust but I think human nature eventually takes over and consumes. Fear and power rule the world. And it shouldn't be the case."

"How old are you Hot Fry?"

"About 2500 years old. Aja says my spirit is that of Adit's best friend on Mecca and I see it. I normally can talk her out of doing something stupid." she says smiling a little. "I wish I had been awake to be there for her."

I think on everything Hot Fry has said. I think on the issues in the world. I wonder what is so important about these girls that made Adit snap. I wonder how much Nerezza is affecting humankind. I wonder a lot. I am starting to believe that being on the reserve is best for raising my child with Kaira. All the chaos that is out there it is all unnecessary. Everybody deserves the chance to live and flourish in life. The chance to grow old and watch the generations after you grow.

I think on the thoughts I used to have before I when I was growing up before I knew that I had been with Adit. I used to think and wonder why God allowed a lot of things to happen. I used to lay awake and cry myself to sleep. There were times when even with Kaira I used to cry and she would just hold me until the feeling and thoughts passed. I wonder know if they are my own thoughts or Adit's. I look at her sometimes and I am beginning to see the being that she was on Mecca.

I think on what I have learned about her brother. The awful things that was done to her wife. I remember her telling that her wife was hurt and that she gave her blood. I didn't think it was that kind of hurt. Adit told me earlier that life had broken her spirit. I suppose now I know what broke her. Or better who broke her.

"What are you thinking about over there kiddo?" Hot Fry asks me.

"Everything." I answer.

"You have her compassion. Granted she is an asshole but you have her compassion. The world affects you and her differently. You more so because you got it from her." she says glancing at me.

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