Finding my love

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The year is 1939 I was in truth 72 years old passing for 22 when my little center of the universe got knocked completely out of orbit. Now mind you life for me is a continually educational experience and I mean this both figuratively and literally. I can say I don't believe anyone has spent more time in college as I have. Pick a major and I have studied it. Sadly during this time there really isn't a lot to study. Fuck Bill Compton I wanted to be the Eric Northman of my kind. Whatever my kind is. I wanted to know everything so I could move through time like a master.

So this being said here I am again moving through the masses trudging along to my next class. When I feel my life the very breath of air that I pretend to breathe being removed from my body. This fast-paced setting of my life slowing down to a dead stop. Not even 14 feet ahead of me is a goddess no no that's not right that would be disrespectful to her. Not even now 13 feet ahead of me is my universe. My reason for whatever is set for me. I feel that if she doesn't so much as look my way I will surely die. I would simply just cease to exist in this very spot. Please look at me let me at least look upon the reason of my death. As if she feels my stare she turns towards me cocking her head slightly.

I am 7 feet away from my being when I am struck hard in the face by no other than a door that I have walked into. That was not very smooth but I notice that she sees this but has a curious look on her beautiful face. As if she is trying to understand what she has just seen but then looking closer after looking around I see that she can't see me at all. My heart is blind. I notice her walking stick while looking down holding my nose. Praises to be she had not seen me make a fool of my self.

"that sounded like it hurt terribly" she says with a slight smirk. So much for smooth

"eh just a tad" i reply.

"nothing broken i hope" she says

Only my pride and ego i think to myself.

"no never better" i respond out loud.

"OK well take care.'

"wait may i ask your name?" i inquiry for i must know the name of my destruction.

"Kaira" she softly replies before turning away and making her way back to the masses.

For an eternity i stood holding my nose watching her departure.

"Real suave Casanova"

i hear my one friend say off to the right of me.

"Shut up Jazz" my only response still staring at the spot my life collapsed in.

Smirking in my direction while pulling me towards class Jazz starts making kissing sounds and laughing. I'm tempted to just throw her and continue on my way. Looking shyly in her direction i ask the one question she seems to be waiting for.

"Do you know her?"

"Kaira Wentworth golden girl of this millennium. She is on so many teams and functions at the U itshard to believe she is blind. But that my friend is the leastof your worries. She is also Sadie Maxwell's main squeeze."

"You have got to be kidding me." I state dryly.

"No not kidding."

 I feel my heart start to shatter at the thought is her being with someone as shady stupid dumb conniving. No I'm not bitter but to have such a beautiful presence being tarnish by the likes of Sadie Maxwell.

"Besides you're not exactly the wholesome type she would want to bring home to mother. So try not to get all bent outta shape about this. There are plenty of girls with no women around who are fighting for your affections."

I can feel myself start to pout. Shaking myself out of my current predicament, i try to shake of this feelings rolling through my being these last few moments, you win some you lose some.

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