I Will Never Be Like Her

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Looking down at the whining baby wolf cubs in front me I am at a total loss right now. As soon as we stepped foot back unto the reserve five little cubs were thrusted into my arms.

"Wait what do I if the turn back?" I ask Hot Fry.

"Cover them or something. But they shouldn't turn back." She tells me walking away.

I look at the array of items she has brought with them: bottles, chew toys, rope. Am I really expected to feed a wolf cub with a bottle? Scratching my head, I lay down on the ground in front of them. And laugh as they all come charging for me. The little bodies squirming in every direction. Paws stumbling over themselves. After a good 30 minutes you'd think they would be tired but nope they are still rearing with life and energy.

"What are you doing?" Kaira's soft voice asks.

"Ahem, apparently babysitting." I answer.

"Why are you babysitting wolf cubs?" she asks.

"I guess the mother's thought I would need practice for when our child is born." I tell her.

I see her lips quirk a little.

"You know love, that the gifts we have don't manifest themselves until after teenage years." she tells me trying not to laugh.

"Wait, what?" I stupidly ask.

"Yes, the traits don't show up in children, other than the slow aging process," she squeaks out from still trying to hold in her laughter.

"Are you telling me I have been rolling around, feeding and burping actual wolf cubs?" I slowly ask her.

"Yes, love you have," she says finally unable to contain her laughter anymore.

I look around the hall and see Hot Fry hiding behind Adit and Styles trying to tiptoe out of the area. Jumping up to my feet, I go to charge, but Kaira's hand on my arm stops me. After she stops laughing, she takes the time to study me.

"How are you doing?" she asks still laughing a little.

"I've been better," I say. "Hanging out with Adit is something else. We are supposed to be starting my training and everything day after tomorrow."

I see a sadness cross over her features.

"Kaira why are you doing this to us?" I blurt out. "Why do you no longer want to be with me?"

"Imani, it's not even like that." she says.

"Then what is it? Because I could've sworn that we were happy and in love. Then I make one mistake and you want to leave me. You want us to be apart. I don't understand Kaira."

"There is nothing to understand. You have to grow and become this person and I don't want to be in your way." she says.

"Become what person? Kaira the only person I want to be is the one I've wanted to be since you and I met."

"And that didn't stop you from leaving me once before so who to say that being around Adit, seeing how she lives won't stop you from leaving me again? I just want you to go and grow then come back to me when you're ready." she snaps.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Then it clicks. "You are still holding that over my head?"

"I don't want that pain again Imani. And if you cheated that would break me." she tells me. "It is bound to happen. You leaving or worse."

I walk up to her grabbing her face between my hands. My love for her, my true unconditional love her keeping my anger and rage at bay.

"I left before because I thought I would have to live without you one day. I was scared of you being my everything then dying. Then I said fuck it I would rather live with a glimpse of love from you then none at all and I came back. But come to find out I could have your love forever. In all our years together, I have never cheated. Never thought about cheating or being with anyone but you. And you do this? I can understand you being scared but damnit Kaira talk to me. I love you and only you. And you are setting out to destroy me. To destroy us."

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