Who is Adit?

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"I am Adit"

"Adit" Kaira whispers almost sounding surprised.

"You know this person?" I ask Kaira, slowly getting up off the ground.

Moving away from this Adit and closer to Kaira, I place my hands on her shoulders. Adit turns towards us looking at Kaira.

"I don't believe I have actually met her but her name was a whisper always flowing through my village." Kaira says. "It was almost as if she was the reverse boogie man."

Adit smirks then moves to our living room talking a seat.

"Make yourself comfortable" I sarcastically say. Suddenly feeling ghost fingers around my neck. "Why are you here?"

"I am here for her." Adit simply states looking at Kaira. Seeming to guess my thoughts she sighs. "Not her but her." She says standing quickly and swiftly moving towards Kaira placing her hand in her stomach.

"What do you want with my child?" I demand.

"My reason to live." she answers throwing me off guard.

Taking a moment to study Adit, I take in her features and appearance. She stands tall well over 6ft, she has to be close to 6'7. Her eyes are an amber color almost gold. Her facial features are almost regal, strong and defined. She isn't heavily muscled but more like me, subtle. But the power that radiates from her is crucial. Her dreads runs down her back. From what I can see she is covered with tattoos but also some kind of intricate markings or brandings underneath them.

"Are you done checking me out?" she asks snapping me out of my daze.

"Don't flatter yourself?" I quip. "What do you mean my child is a reason for you to live?"

"Not a reason. My reason." And just like that in a span of less than a heartbeat she is gone.

"What the fuck?" I say, "where did she go?"

Kaira turns to me as she looks deep in thought before making her way to the living room. Following behind her as she sits down, I take her hands in my own.

"Baby, what do you know about this Adit?" I ask her.

She takes a deep breath seemingly trying to gather her thoughts.

"As I said earlier her name was always whispered throughout my village." she begins. "She is said to be the world's most powerful being. The creator of all life on earth. All the powers and longevity that my people have, came from her. I thought she was a myth. I remember who were known as the elders discussing her a few times and Ezzy the woman who raised me after my parents disappeared telling me stories about her. I do know she is also said to be the oldest being to walk the globe."

"If any of that is true why does she need our child as her reason to live?" I question. "Is this Ezzy person still alive? "

"Yes, but after the revolution many of my people scattered, so I don't know where she is or really how to find her?" her speech drifting off, "maybe."

"Why did they scatter?" I ask, realizing that I honestly don't know too much about Kaira's people.

"It became too hard to keep our kind hidden and keep our way of life. So many free slaves and settlers started to roam further and further into our territories." She murmurs the last part. "I need to go back though and see if anyone may know where she went and where she might be."

"Is it safe for you to travel?"

"Yes, baby I will be fine traveling." she says smirking.

Standing up to walk to our bedroom to grab the laptop before heading back to the living room. I retake my seat next to her.

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