Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

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Quick summary of my life. I am who or what I always thought that I was. I thought I was free spirit with no care in the world. That I could come in and go as I please. As long I didn't have any personal ties to anyone or anything. Hell, I didn't even want to get a pet. I wanted to just coast through my life. I wanted to be untouchable. And everything changed.

Someone was placed in my path to alter my own reality. She saw me for me even after I ran from her and the love that she offered me. She became my world. And only she mattered. I was no longer the only one with this gift. And I didn't mind it at all. I had someone who was my forever. Our only worry was making sure I was her forever. But we didn't let that get us down. We built a life together. Created an undying love together. We still lived and enjoyed every moment we had together. The ups and downs of a normal relationship spanned out through time.

My own evolution started to catch with us. Some of which we figured we would never find an answer to. It didn't matter though, we still had each other. We were still blind to the truth around us. We were still living in our own secure place. Completely unaware of the darkness constantly looming over us. Not even knowing that it was this darkness that thrust us together. But come to find out there was more than darkness lurking around the corner.

You hear of humans. Spiritual humans. Christians always talking about spiritual warfare. Saying that there is a war going on and always has been going on between God and the devil. And being someone who has never been touched by death, I never put any thought into it. But lo and behold, my life was a lie.

I was a copy. A copy of a being who Dr. Manhattan her way back into existence. My life was based off of my death. And my love as true as it is coming from hatred. Not my own hatred mind you. But from someone I never met. Someone I have ever even heard of until recently. And this person's hatred has spread enough to allow the one person that my wife and my creator adored. A person whom I looked up to. To be corrupted and tarnished.

"You know since Adit has entered our life. I thought she was the bad guy. And seeing her murder that girl. That confirmed it for me," I say looking at Kaira. "Even with all the good I've read about her doing. I still couldn't believe she was actually a good person. A good being. And now I am starting to feel like it's the circumstances in her life that makes her bad. I feel if I had been handed the cards that she has been. Losing her wife and children. I would react the same way. To be constantly betrayed by people that you trust. I would live in solitude also."

"We can't jump to conclusions Imani," she says. "there may be a perfectly reasonable explanation of why Ezzy's scent is on her."

"I sure hope so. Cause lord help her if there isn't. Shit help us all if there isn't," I say standing up to my full height. "Are we done here?"

"For now."

I help Kaira return everything to its proper place. With one last look back, I pull Kaira out of the room. Walking through the corridors of the hospital, I sigh in thought.

"You know when I was child or what was me as a child, I wanted to be a detective," I start. "I wanted to go out on stake outs and delve in people's private affairs to catch all the wrong doings in life. And now that I'm actually doing it, I no longer want to."

"What do you want to do instead?" Kaira asks.

"Live my private life with you without all this and raise our child," I say. "Definitely work on creating more children."

She laughs and nudges me with her shoulder. She goes serious on me.

"Nothing is the same nor will it ever be," she states.

"Nope." I say. " Shit just keeps getting deeper and deeper."

"Would you rather us not know or know?"

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