the End is the Beginning

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I wake up the next morning feeling sore and refreshed. Sore because Kaira wanted to thank me for her afternoon fix. Refreshed...well because Kaira wanted to thank me for her afternoon fix yesterday. Big cheese smile going on right now. Yesterday after the "festivities" we ate and mingled. I never heard so much nonsense in my life. No wonder Adit disappeared as soon as her feet hit the ground. Literally. Once that black cloud completely dissipated, she was nowhere to be found. Not that I blamed her. Not one bit.

I stretch and reach for my baby, feeling nothing but cool sheets under my hand. Lifting my head, I notice it is still dark outside. My internal clock telling me it's just before five in the morning. My face scrunching wondering where my wife is. The cold sheets telling me she's been gone a while. Closing my eyes and focusing on using my senses, I cast them out and around. Adit told me to visualize them, to think of them as something that can be touched, something you can feel. I silence my mind, keeping all conspiracy, paranoid thoughts away. Taking a deep breath, and automatically locking in on Kaira's scent. She smells fresh, clean. Vanilla and lavender lightly coating her skin. Her heartbeat is normal. Just as it would be if she was next to me. The smell of lilac tickles my nose.


I wonder what she is doing her. Ooohhhh......she is prepping Kaira for tomorrow. James is supposed to be here to get me ready. I tilt my head blinking a few times. Where Kaira's heartbeat is normal along with the Thump-thump, thump-thump, of my baby girl. Morgan's heartbeat is irregular. It's beating quadruple time. I can smell her sweat. She is nervous about something. I hear the rough sound of her rubbing her fingers together. I can almost feel the skin rubbing together. The sound of her wiping them on her skirt. I can taste the sweat that is forming along her forehead. Feel it running down the side of her face. My teeth elongate. I'm practically drooling when her heartbeat picks up even more. Seeing her pulse rate go up. My upper body sways as I sit up. My blood pulses in my teeth with the rhythm of hers.

I feel like I am in a trance. My body is not my own. My legs swing to the side. My feet touching the rug. I can't stop flexing my hands. The need to have something in my palms, keeps me rubbing them together. I take a deep breath as I try to force myself to come to. Maybe I am still asleep and this is a weird dream. Shaking my head as what can only be described as nostalgia overtakes me. My body is longing for something. My palms begin to sweat, I have no idea what I am in need of right now. Standing up I rotate my shoulders, trying my best to relieve the tension in them. Cracking my neck to remove the tightness.

Every time I close my eyes, I see glimpses of Adit. Similar to yesterday, only sharper. Its bits and pieces of her screaming, yelling, showing her fangs with those shining gold eyes. Her movements are jerky, sporadic even. The picture and flow of her inconsistent. One second she is banded with the chains the know now that I think back on it. Anyone has seen Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban? The pictures of Sirius? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? That's the shit I'm dealing with right now.

Fucking electric globes, flashing pictures of streaming Adit right now. And it's fueling my blood. It is pumping through my veins. My nails. Excuse me yes, my nails not just my fingernails, but toenails, and all are growing. I lean back, full stretch into in a Helsing pose back arched and all as I bare all teeth. Then all of sudden she turns in that one scene with Voldemort from the Order of the Phoenix, in the background of my mind, just standing there watching me.

Come find me puppy.

And when that thought enters my mind all hell breaks loose within me. My body is wracked with pain. I am brought to my knees as my bones break. Agony and suffering bathe me. My skin is being ripped away; my muscles are pulled away from the bone. I am struck mute from the excruciating anguish running wild through me. Footsteps running up the stairs can be heard. The door swings open.

"Breathe through it love," Kaira timidly approaches. "You have to breathe." Her arms wrap around my shoulders, one of her rubbing my back, the other kneading my neck. I know my eyes must be glowing, my sense of vision is on a different level of sharpness right now. My nails are scratching at the floor, from the pain and energy coursing through me. Kaira is my only calm, well, and my little thump-thump. They are keeping me here and fighting through this. Another flash of Adit whips across my vision.

Come find me.

Pain lances through me, it feels like my spine is realigning, each vertebra separating from the next. My arms give out as my vision blurs. All my muscles spasming. I don't think anything could prepare me for this. Fuck I don't even know what this is but it is killing me. My eyes roll to the back of my head as I fall over to my side. Kaira grabs my head laying it on her thighs. Moisture drops on me and I know she is crying. She cradles my head. "I'm so sorry love," she says while slowly rocking me. Her hands never stop rubbing over me. "I am sorry you have to go through this."

This? She knows what this is. I can't open my eyes to look at her. My back arches as my ribs thrust forward, one by one fracturing then breaking. Opening my eyes peering through my own glimmer of tears, trying to see Kaira, but I can't. My sternum shatters as another glimpse of Adit is displayed.

"Oh fuck," I hear Kaira mutter running her hand over my forehead. "I need you to calm down love." Her other hand laying over my heart. "Adit fuck!!! She can't take all this." My body lurches as my collarbones are crushed. "Damn you Adit."

Then she dies Glowing gold eyes peer at me the fog of pain, Come to me.

My eyes open to meet Kaira's. "I need you to do the unthinkable right now. I need you to make it through this," She is crying. "I'll answer all your questions love, I just need you to survive." She leans down and kisses me. Her lips are soft, fitting seamlessly across mine. "Please don't leave me afterward."

My lungs must have collapsed. Suddenly I can'tbreathe. My heartbeat slows down to nothing. Black dots appear before me. Kairais fading away. My heart explodes

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