Finally Peace Within

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"I really need my wife right now."

"Ok. Let's go."

We both stand up from out spots, and make our way to her car. Pressing the buttons on her key pod the doors open up and we slide in. Backing away from the edge of the cliff, she follows the path out onto the main road.

"When do you plan on telling Kaira about her parents?" I ask her.

"When do you think that I should?" she asks. "When would be best?"

"I don't know the answer to that man," I say. "I mean I just got the shock of my life. I mean I'm glad to know but her story is deeper than mines. Does she know?"

She looks at me a second before focusing back on the road.

"Yes, I told her the first night."

"How long was I gone for?" I ask.

"Four days," she says. She switches Pandora on before looking at me again. "Get some rest we a long way from my house."

I lean back and close my eyes. I have gone too long without my wife. Four days may not seem like a lot but we haven't been apart not one day since we got back together. I miss her being in my arms. I'm not mad at Adit for doing what she did. I'm grateful for it actually. I just need my woman more than anything right now. And with the news coming her way, I know she will need me to. I don't know when Adit should tell her. We don't keep secrets from one another, but with her being pregnant, a part of me doesn't want her to find out yet.

I open my eyes and look at Adit.

"Thank you," I tell her before closing my eyes again.

I can feel her eyes on me for a second. I will myself to fall asleep.

I know I am dreaming but I can't wake up to stop the pictures flashing under my eyelids. So much carnage and destruction. In the middle of it all I see Adit standing covered in blood wielding a sword. I yell to tell her to turn around but it's too late. A broadsword is against her neck, chopping off her head. One by one everyone starts to fall. Dying because the source of our life has just been killed.

Jerking awake taking a deep breath, I open my eyes to look over at Adit. Her eyes are focused on the road. Her finger is tapping to the beat of a song while she nods her head in time to the music. I yawn and shake the dream off. I look at the road and see we are driving along a base of a mountain. There are no other cars around. Nor are there lights anywhere.

Thank goodness for our superior eyesight.

"Hey Adit?"

"Hey Imani?"

"Why am I not fully like you?" I ask her. Looking at me before going back to the road. I can see the confusion on her face. "I mean you have a penis. Like always."

"Yes, I do," she answers smiling.

"Why don't I?"

"I don't know the answer to that question," she says. "I can only assume and guess."

"What do you assume?" I ask.

"My guess. You were born a human female. My mother's gift and my father's act as one in you." she says. "That and you have my blood which makes you kind of primal. The need to mate takes over. But you only need to mate with your wife which is where my mother's gift takes effect. Only Kaira can bring that side of you out."

"What about you?" I ask.

"What about me?" she asks looking at me. "Are you asking if I can only mate with my wife?"

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