Brighter days

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We moved to New Zealand after Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005. I wanted to leave the states for a little while. I was devastated by the loss of my city. I sat for weeks after thinking about all these 'gifts' that I have. Feeling like maybe I could have done something. Kaira, like the great woman that she is, was there for me throughout my whole grieving process. We bought a modern home in Dunedin. The lush greenery was beautiful. We fell into a simple routine sticking to ourselves for the first few months. It took me forever to get over my pain.

For me the move here was refreshing. I would stand on our balcony at night looking out into the night sky or over the water and just ponder myself. Kaira, of course, saw this as a chance to continue her education. She enrolled in the University of Otago's medical program. She didn't press for me to enroll and just gave me time to heal. So instead I tended to things around the house. Made sure she made it to class.

Laying in bed one night with me head resting on her shoulder listening to her laptop giving her lessons, watching her fingers fly over the braille keyboard she turns and kisses my forehead.

"Are you ok baby?" she asks.

"Yes love just soaking in your comfort," I reply kissing her shoulder.

She moves her laptop and pulls me down to lay on her. Placing her head on my shoulder and her hand on my stomach she gently starts to rub. This is the quickest was to put me to sleep.

"Are you happy here," she asks.

"I'm happy anywhere with you."

"That's not what I meant and you know it. Are you happy here in New Zealand?"

"Yes, baby. I think I'm just trying to find myself. Well I mean not find myself but I think the morality of the situation back at home is still just getting to me. And I don't know baby it just has me in a funk that it's hard for me to get out of."I answer.

She continues to rub my stomach. Slowly relaxing me. She turns and kisses my shoulder. 

"It will be ok baby. Just know I'm here ok. Please don't shut me out or think that you are alone. I love you, Imani" she says making me smile at her use of my given name.

"I love you too Kaira" I reply wrapping my arms around her. I pull her up on me and kiss her with everything I have in me. "thank you, baby, for understanding and giving me time.

Waking up the next morning I actually feel more like myself. I decide to do something for Kaira since she has been wonderful to me. So after cooking her breakfast I take her to school. Opening her door for her helping her out I lean down and kiss her with all the passion that has been missing these past few months. My hand on the small of her back I pull her closer and deeper into me. My tongue playing with hers between both our mouths. I put all my love into this kiss. Giving her a few gentle pecks while we catch our breath I tell her that I love her dearly. Releasing her to enjoy her classes today. I watch her make her way into the building. I drive off head to a store grab the items I need to prepare for dinner. Going home and straightening up the house.

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