I'm Sorry You're What???

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Focusing my eyes to where Kaira's gaze is glued I still see no one. And I also find it odd that I don't have that feeling right now. But Kaira's intensely undivided attention to that spot has me wondering.

Thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump.

The weird thumping sounds is intensifying also. I look at Kaira and pull her closer to me making her walk in the opposite direction back to the room. She is still staring at whatever is watching us.

"Are they following Kaira?" I ask her.

"What? No,no they're not. They are just standing there staring. Omari calm down I don;t feel as if they mean any harm to us."

"I don't care Kaira. I'm getting you out of here." I say dragging her along the sidewalk with me

"Omari stop" she yells.

"Why?" Coming to a dead halt I look at her.

"I need um," she puts her hand on her stomach, "I need to stop at a store and grabbing some things."

She is turning kind of pale and shaking.

"Baby, what is it? What is wrong?"

"I just need a store right now please." she says looking at me with desperate eyes.

"FUCK!!!" I scream into the night realizing we have to walk back towards the direction of whatever to get to Shotover Night' N Day. "Fine lets go. Stay by my side."

Gesturing her hands in a "whatever" manner she latches herself on to me.

"What exactly are we here for Kaira?"

"A test."

"A test? What kind of test is so important you stopped me from getting you to safety?"

"A pregnancy test."

With that one statement all breath has been knocked from my body. Such a weird thing to think right now but I have never experienced vertigo until now. I can feel my body swaying. I need to sit down but for everything in me I can't. I can only stare at Kaira. 

"A pregnancy test?" I ask dumbly. "Why would you need that?"

"A feeling. Now can you grab some for me?"

Grabbing unto her hand, I begin searching up and down the isles until I see them. Quickly snatching up a handful. I begin to lead Kaira to the register.

"Oh and ice cream please" she says.

Walking back to the freezers I get her ice cream.

"And some sour patch kids."

Quirking an eyebrow I shake my head at her.

"Anything else you want?" I ask.

"Nope. Thank you."

Walking back to the register, I pay for the items and head out walking back towards the lodge. I let my mind race. Why a pregnancy test? I mean pregnancy has never been a worry let alone a thought to us. After so many and I do mean so many encounters together and never once had a scare. There is no way possible for her to be pregnant. 

Thump-thump, thump-thump.


Taking the elevator to our lodge we walk in placing everything on the table. I turn and look at Kaira expectantly. 

"Um. Babe, why are you not freaking out right now?" I ask.

"Let me take these and I'll explain. Ok" She says kissing my forehead before making her way to the bathroom. Following her into the bathroom, I help her with the tests. 

After washing our hands, we slide down the wall in typical cliche fashion and wait.

"So?" I say looking at Kaira.

"Whatever was watching us told me. Well not really told me but ah hell. When I was looking at it, I felt it run its hands over my stomach and pure joy and happiness came from it. And I felt a shift inside of me." she says looking at me "I got to thinking about that sound you keep hearing and I remembered you tapping it out." she is speaking slowly now. Trying to get me to see what she is saying. "It's a heartbeat, a babies heartbeat to be exact. They beat more rapidly than adults."

WHOOSH!!! And there is the air escaping my body again.

"I think its time. Tell me."

Getting up from the floor I slowly creep to the counter. Closing my eyes knowing everything is about to change. Opening my eyes I look at at the test.

Thump-thump, Thump-thump.

They all say the same.

Thump-thump, thump-thump.

No denying this.

Thump-thump, thump-thump.

No going back now.

Thump-thump, thump-thump.

"You're Pregnant"

"I'm pregnant. "

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