Untitled Part 46

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OK so Adit somehow destroyed Mecca. Got it.

IS Adit actually powerful enough to take out a whole planet? If she is, heaven help us all. Other than the mention of the planet ceasing to existence, Aja never fully encloses the extent of Adit's power.

What could have possibly pissed her off enough to do that? Aja said betrayal and the loss of her wife and children. I have surmised that her father's wife had something to do with it.

Why would stepmom betray Adit? From my reading, I figured she is a power-hungry witch.

How does Kiara and my child play out in this? No answer for this one.

When will I see my love again? No answer. Hopefully, she has more answers than I do.

Even after reading the two books, I feel as if I'm back at square one. Only two people can give me the answers that I want. And one of them I can't get to right now her right now. All this feels like a bad episode of Scooby Doo. And my life has turned into a full ride on the Mystery Machine. Only there isn't going to be a villain being unmasked saying 'And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.'

I need to take my mind off of Adit and all this for a moment. I wonder how my love is fairing. Sitting back and running my fingers through my dreads I force myself not to think too deeply about her. Tears already starting to dampen my eyes at the thought of not being near her right now. I wonder how our baby is doing inside of her. Is she growing properly? I don't even know how much time has passed. It could an hour day week or month. Fuck that's a sobering thought. It could even be a year and my child has already been born. That would cause me to nut the fuck up. I would find a way to kill Adit if that was the case. No, I can't see Adit doing something like that to me. To Kiara and our child. Before all this happened to her she was heavily about family. I do pray and hope there is something left within her of her former self to not take my family away from me.

Such morbid thoughts. Deciding that my mind can't take any more information for right now, I stand up. Returning the books back to the shelf, I gaze out the windows. There are actually people out there walking through the snow. The looks on some of their faces speaks of great contentment. Go out and socialize. That's what Aja said to do. So, I will.

I'm starting to see that Aja does or says everything for a reason. Her placing me in this room wasn't by coincidence. She wanted me in here. She wanted me to see and read the books. She may not be able to freely speak to me about everything, I think she still wants me to know. She wants me to understand Adit. Her talking to me earlier proved that.

I walk to the door and peer out. I don't see anyone. Not feeling comfortable enough to roam around Aja's home, I go back into the room. Walking to the outer wall, I notice a screen for the first. Looking through the mesh, I don't see a porch. just a little ledge. Stepping onto it, I look down. I'm roughly about 75 stories up from the ground. Give or take. Looking back at the door before scanning the ground. Am I crazy enough to do this?

Fuck yea I am. After all this is just some sort of corporal form, right?

Stepping back out onto the ledge.

Please don't let Kiara find out.

Are my last thoughts before I launch myself off the ledge. Closing my eyes as the ground starts coming closer. Shaking my head internally at my stupidity.

Damn if I die here, do I die in the real world? Questions I should have asked beforehand.

The ground is coming up quicker than I thought. I can't even open my mouth to scream. I feel the wind rushing past me. I close my eyes and brace myself for impact.

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