What Dreams May Come

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Standing in the courtyard right outside the quaint Park Hotel in Port au Prince, I watch the city go by. I can tell a decent amount of my cities heritage came from here. The locals always seem to have something going on. Children are running around and playing. The elderly are sitting around and gossiping as tourists just wander here and there.

Looking down at Kaira as she sips her tea. She looks as if she is in heaven. I don't know if it's from the tea or her being relatively back home. We stayed up a little late last night, with her telling me about her earlier life here. What it was like for her growing up.

This Ezzy person raised her that is how she is royalty among her people. Ezzy was basically seen as a high priestess or something similar. She took my love in and raised her as her own. Kaira doesn't really remember her life before the village. It is pretty much all she knows.

I suppose I am the lucky one. I have great memories of my mother and my family. Even though they are no longer with me, I remember them greatly. After I figured out I would no longer be aging, I ran. I didn't know what else to do. I did however check on them. At one point after I found out that my mother died, I went and visited her grave.

Kaira never got that luxury. Her parents just disappeared, just left. If it wasn't for Ezzy telling her that she was brought to the village, Kaira would have thought she was born there. She says she has no real recollection of her parents. She doesn't remember them.

"What time is whoever meeting us here?" I ask Kaira after taking a sip of my coffee.

"6 and his name is Peter." she answers.

"Tell me about 'Peter'." I request.

"Nothing much really to tell." she says moving her hair out of her face. "He worked the lands in the village. I believe he was a runaway slave."

Raising my eyebrows, I look at her expectantly. She said it so naturally almost to the point of being nonchalant.  I'm waiting for her to elaborate but she seems to be waiting for me to ask. Ok, I'll indulge her.

"Did you have a lot of runaway slaves in your village?" I ask.

"Yes, my village consisted of mostly runaway slaves." she says having me her tea cup, to put her hair up. "The elder counsel, was made up of runaway slaves and people who were sent to encampments because of plagues but survived them."

Silence falls between us for a moment while I take in what she has said. I was born in 1867, two years after the supposed end of slavery. I can honestly say other than what was read in textbooks I don't know much about it. My family comes from up north and a few years after I stopped aging, I took up residency in New Orleans. Officially adopting it as my home.

"I'm sorry babe, I'm just thinking. At times I feel as if I've lived a sheltered life even after all these years. And here you are telling me that have firsthand knowledge of slavery, like its nothing." Wiping my face, I turn fully to her. I don't even know how to ask the question on my mind right now. Timidly looking at her, I forge ahead. "Were...you...were you ever a slave?"

Blinking slowly, she looks at me, before shaking her head.

"I don't know. I have no memory of my life before the village. In truth love, I say I was born in 1697 but I don't even know. I've always aged slowly. Ezzy says she believes it was because both of my parents were like us. But who knows." she says with a small smile. "I don't even think about it anymore."

I go to speak but Kaira's head snapping up stops me. She starts scanning the crowd with her luminance eyes. She reaches out and grabs my hand.

"He is here." Is all she says.

"Where? How do you know?" I ask.

"We can all feel each other." she smirks. "Except for you."

Grabbing my hand, she starts pulling me up the street. Sometimes I swear she can see. Stopping at a corner before she drags me to what looks like a restaurant. La Table De Caius it's called. It appears  to be a cozy little spot. The smell of the food from it makes my mouth water and my stomach growl.

As Kaira and I are about to walk in she stops and stares towards a guy sitting outside on the patio. I think he is nursing a drink. His head suddenly snaps up and he is now gazing intensely at Kaira. Standing to his feet he slowly approaches us.

"Kaira, o pitit mwen. Gade ou(Kaira, oh my child. Look at you)." he says as he engulfs Kaira into a strong hug. I can't stop the growl emitting from my throat. He looks at me then back at Kaira. "Ak ki moun ki ta ka sa a dwe(And who might this be?)"

Stepping out of his hold, Kaira reaches for my hand. Her eyes never leaving his face.

"Se madanm mwen, Omari.  Li pa trè pale nan lang nou an.  ou ta renmen pale angle(This is my wife, Omari. She isn't very fluent in our language. would you mind speaking English?)"

"Yes, of course. That is no problem. Come let us sit." He says ushering us to his table. "Would either of you care for a drink or meal?"

Glancing around the restaurant I realize that we are the only ones here. Well except for the employees. Looking towards the doors, I see that they are actually closed for business.

"This place is always open to me." He says watching me. Moving his eyes back to Kaira, he grabs her hand that is laying on the table. Again a growl erupts from me. "Relax my friend, Kaira is like my child. I promise you that."

I force myself to settle down. Rolling my shoulders I lock eyes with his.

"A whiskey and Sprite please. And some form of hot tea or juice for Kaira please." I manage to get out.

He turns and yells something to an employee. Within minutes our drinks are placed in front of us. Asking with a new one for him. Turning back to Kaira, he sighs before speaking.

"In the chat you said that you needed help. What's going on dear heart?"

"I need to find Ezzy." She answers.

"I don't believe anyone has seen or heard from Ezzy since the 13 year war." He responds scratching his beard. "Why do you need her?"

"What do you know about Adit?" She asks.

It's almost comical the way his eyes bulge out of his head. Poor man was in the middle of taking a sip of his drink and nearly chokes.

"A...Aadd" he gets out still coughing. "Adit? Why do you ask?"

"Please Peter? Anything you know will be helpful." she pleads with him.

Sitting up he looks from Kaira to me and back again. Its like he is trying ri figure out if we are trustworthy. Dropping his head as he shakes it. He runs his hands over his face before finishing his drink and yelling for another one.

"That is a name I haven't heard in a long time." He begins after the waitress brings his drink. "And I never thought I would hear it again. No one really knows where she came. Only that she is why we have these 'gifts'. And she is the most powerful being in the world." He says taking a sip of his drink. "The things she has been known to do is basically unheard of."

My eyes snap to his.

"What has she been known to do?" I ask remembering my ass kicking without her moving an inch.

"The will of her mind can control all. From lightning to just all things natural." Licking his lips, "No one know her better than Ezzy. From the moment Adit came to the village, Ezzy was almost like her best friend."

"Adit came to our village?" Kaira interrupts him grabbing onto my wrist.

"Ah yea. Adit lived in our village for years. She left shortly after you came." He tells her.

"Wait, wait,  wait. I was there with Adit? Did I know her? Ever meet her?"

He lets out a laugh. It's on the verge of being hysterical.

"Dear heart, who do you think brought you to our village?"

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