Closer than ever

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Arriving at our home I help her out grab her things and lead her into our home.

"The weather is nice out would you like to take a swim today?" I ask.

"Yes but I have something to show you first," she replies making her way into the bedroom to grab her laptop.

After booting it up and opening the necessary folders. The screen blacks out to open back up and shows a bunch of tiny dots. I have been with Kaira long enough to know that these are cells of some kind. I'm taken back when the program states that these are my cells. They seem to be replicating.

"What is this baby?"

"This is you. This is your body replicating daily. All new fresh cells. The original batch I took decades ago has been replaced with what you see now. And this" she says pressing a few keys making the screen change "this is your cells when you change."

It looks like little fireworks are going off within my body. Kaira presses some more button and it looks like electric currents are flowing from cell to cell.

"You remember when after the first few changes how we can test and you blow up the monitors?" she asks. Like I could ever forget.


"This is the whole video of that day."

The screen is in black and white and I'm laying there. There is no sound but you can see me jerking and twitching, monitors are exploding all around me. I'm looking over in the direction where Kaira was standing. My body raises off the table contorts then expels. Looks like my shooting electricity everywhere but the camera is knocked out of commission. I'm staring at the screen still not entirely sure of what I have just seen. 

"Baby?" Kaira asks as I am dead quiet trying to process this all. Kaira is the smarts of this whole operation. She cups my face between her hands and kisses me. "I love you ok don't freak out on me." I nod my head waiting for her to continue. Then I am struck with a thought.

"Is it safe for you when I change and we are together?"

"Yes, my love. It is safe and if it wasn't, sixty plus years later is a little late to wonder about it." can't fight her logic. "but you are energy incarnate. Your body flows with it. It manipulates it. I know your memory is great. Tell me what were you thinking about during that video?"

"I had to get to you. You were crying. It was breaking my heart, I had to comfort you and that damn machine it just it just wouldn't let me up. I couldn't get up. But I had to get to you."

"So you basically used the machines power against it," she stated. "I'm going to take blood from you. No more than that ok?"

"Ok babe"

She gets up makes her way into the bathroom. Prepping the needle and syringe she extracts my blood. Tosses the needle and syringe in the proper bins. Caps off the tube and puts it away. Kaira isn't really keen on letting people handle my blood or anything dealing with me. She is really just trying to answer the question of am I forever like her. After she finishes she kneels between my legs and strokes my thighs gazing up at me with those snow-white orbs.

"Hey, this is a good thing baby. We are closer than ever to finding answers. With the newer technology, we can do this with no pain." she starts feeling up my arms hers fingers tracing not my tattoos but the scars that should be under them. I lift her face and kiss her.

"I know baby I'm just thinking about that day seeing you crying and feeling helpless to do anything." She looks like she is pondering something then shakes her head. 

"How about that swim now?" I smile nodding and kiss her before getting up.

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