About Damn Time

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I watch her standing there tall and regal. Her outside feature remaining this stoic expression but her. The real her on the inside is bouncing like a kid. I watch as her eyes take everything in. After years of touching her face when I gave her news, finally being able to see, I know them well. All her expressions. I can close my eyes and still feel each and every one of them under my fingertips. The twitches her mouth makes when she sees something that interests her. The crinkles at the corner of her eyes, when she is studying something, curious as to how it works. So being able to stand back and really see her do all these things overwhelms me. Adit and everyone was right, she is perfect for this role. She was born for it. And I am blessed beyond measure to have been chosen to be at her side. I was meant for her the moment Adit marked me.

I think back on that as my fingers graze over the slight scar that will mar me forever. She gifted me, I think, looking down. Mere second later my eyes are immediately drawn back to my best friend. We are currently sitting in some kind of stadium. Well...to be honest...um, she is sitting I am squirming. Because... DAYUM!!!!! My all in this world is sitting there looking exceptionally fuckable. I'm guessing she opted against the loincloth but knowing what she is working with. My eye can't help but drift down her body, biting on my pinky knuckle at the print.

OH, SWEET BABY ALL IS GOOD!!!! Rolling my eyes. Flipping pregnancy hormones.

Clan members were starting to fill in space after settling in. Just normal ones, not the uppity, ups. THEY are supposed to be making some grand, bold entrances. All clans claiming to be more elaborate than the other. I watched as everyone in our pack said nothing. We were just ears. Even the children were silent, playing quietly amongst themselves. I forced myself not to place my hand on my stomach. Something about all these prying eyes seeing me do something so vulnerable. My eyes slide back to Imani, then lower on her body. I'll just lust after my wife.

She suddenly lowers her head smiling. Her eyes raise and meet mine head-on, her smile turns into a smirk, as I see her nostrils flare. She looks up and around before finally spotting who she was looking for. James comes walking swiftly over. She bends down touching her forehead to his. He backs away grinning nodding his head. His eye points her in a direction. He departs as she stands and turns to me, leaning down. Her finger trailing down my arm to entwine with my hand, she pulls me up. Turning and darting her eyes around, she slightly nods. If you didn't know her so well you would think it was a tremor, a twitch.

Turning, she briskly walks me out of the stadium, scooping me up into her arms the moment we exit. She says nothing as she carries me down a path. Between her silence and the set of her jaw, I refrain from speaking also. Plus, I'm extremely content just being in her arms. Laying my head against her chest, I look around, not recognizing where we are. I note the fact that she is sure-footed. She knows exactly where she is taking me. I reach up and caress her face, she doesn't even grace me with a glance.


Taking my eyes off her, I look ahead, it feels like a maze with all hedges, twists, and turns. I am honestly meant for her; I think smiling to myself. My first thought looking around Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Definitely been together a long time. I raise my head to the croak of her neck and nuzzle her, inhaling her scent. I feel my nostrils flare and my teeth start to pulse. My eyes dilate, as my heartbeat quickens. I barely keep myself from throwing her down and taking what I oh so badly want. FUCK THAT, I NEED DAT SHIT RIGHT NOW!!!!!

Breathe, Kaira.

Down gurl, mentally slapping my pussy.

Taking a very fucking deep breath, I try to calm myself. I swear I feel her shoulders shake like she is silently laughing. Closing my eyes, I open them to see the hedges have parted. Deep within the maze is a village set up, with rows of tents and recently built cabins. She takes us to the cabin located in the center. Kicking the door open, she places me on top of a dresser.

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