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I looked over at Kaira sitting on the sofa. Mentally rolling my eyes, I know what she is going to say, 'go find Adit and talk to her.'

"Love go find Adit and talk to her."

"Maybe she needs to cool off first babe before being approached," I say.

Her eyes snap to me with fire in them. She stands up and marches over to me. "Imani Omari." Ah damn she used the whole government. "You and Adit are a lot alike. You get mad and tend to do stupid shit." She grabs my shirt pulling me down to her. "Now go find her and talk to her." 

"Ok, shit," I say trying to back away and get out of her grip.

Sprinting to the front door, I extend myself out trying to pick up where she could have possibly gone. I mean damn, she vanished out of sight. She didn't leave out of the front door. How am I supposed to pick up a scent or anything from someone who seriously ghosted. She could be in Aja's realm for all I know. Or even in fucking Egypt.

Rubbing my face, I head towards to the forest. Adit does have the habit of turning into her wolf and running to release pent up energy. I wish I could turn into a wolf, this is taking forever and I'm not picking up jack shit. Skidding to a halt, I look around.


Her scent is strong. Following it, I am blown. She is standing there close to Adit, they appear to be talking. I don't want to intrude, but Adit looks up and nods for me to come closer.  

"You wanted this Mayi. Just let me be. You want me to move on and heal. Then let me. Let me exercise my demons." she steps forward, cupping MayiArasi's face. Blood tears running down her face. "Woman I love you. You are my one and only. The only one I have ever made love to. The only woman I have ever gave my all to. You took and carried my seed. You gave me three beautiful babies. We put our all and everything into them."

Both have blood streaked cheeks. Adit bends low, pressing her lips against MayilArasi.

"I'll leave you forever with this," pressing her head against MayilArasi's then kissing her temple. 

A light flashes around us, and the forest wavers away. Some type of holographic scene shimmers around us.  

I decided to take MayilArasi and Aayansh(our son Mayi wanted to name him Aditya after me, I wanted to name him Nirmesh) to the beach. Watching him splash around warms my heart so much. Who knew I would have loved being a parent. There is no better feeling in all of Mecca knowing that I have a family now. Looking at them with all the love I have to give.

Mayi is practically glowing as she plays with him. I can't believe he two years old already. He is so inquisitive about everything. Always wanting to know what something is and how it works. I swear all I hear all day is "Whats this?" or "How?" or my personal favorite "Why?" But I don't want it any other way.

Mayi stands up and stretches out her back making her belly protrude a little. Bringing an even bigger smile to my face if possible. That's right Aayansh going to be a big brother and though he doesn't understand he is looking forward to it. He stands with Mayi and caresses her tummy.

"Baby ok Mama?" he asks her.

"Yes my love, the baby is fine." she responds looking at me, "Are you going to come in or stand over there and gloat like a proud bird?"

Laughing I make my way in the water with them. I pick Aayansh up and take him a little bit deeper in. I decide to call on the sea to bring treasures towards us because I know my child would love it. Feeling my eyes start to glow as the waves come from deeper out and pushes gently against us.

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