Ice Water Bath

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"WHAT THE FUCK???" I yell running over to where Adit previously stood. I lean over the edge and see her still falling. Raising my hand, I slap myself across the face as hard as I can. "This is a dream," SLAP "Wake the fuck up Imani," SLAP.

And as I look down and still her falling something happens. Her arms are turning downy almost like she is growing feathers. Her fingers are aligned together looking like wingtips. She jackknifes and turns her body to face the ground. Her legs going closer to her body forming talons at the end... Her feathered body. The sunlight is cascading across her tawny colored feathers. She is a bird. She is a freaking bird.

SLAP "Wake up," SLAP "This is a dream. Did stasis fuck me up? I was expecting not to be able to shit right for a few weeks. Not to see people turn into birds"

Looking down I see the bird is flying up the cliff. It rushes past me to soar above me. Circling over me in the sky. She higher and higher. All of sudden she drops down and starts coming right at me. Full speed ahead with no sign of slowing down. Even as a bird this heifer is an asshole. Stepping out of the way as she gets closer right before changing her form back to normal as her feet hit the ground. A dark cloud covering her. Skidding to a stop right at the edge of the cliff she turns to me and smiles. She is partially dressed again.

"You're a bird," I say.

"I am more than a bird," she says smiling. "I am everything, I am anything."

Her face starts to elongate. Her neck snaps a little before her body starts to bend and contort. I scurry backwards as she is taking steps towards me. Her hands are turning into paws with long sharp nails. Her mouth is starting to protrude with her teeth bared. Her teeth are turning into fangs. I can see them spacing out with more appearing between. Fur is sprouting out all over her. Her knees crack and break along with her legs, she drops to her hands as a long tail appears behind her.

I fall down, tripping trying to get away. Internally shaking my head at the cliché movie effect. I can't believe what I am seeing. What I have just say. Standing over me is a wolf. She looks down at me laying on the ground. She is big. She has to be about two feet tall from paws to shoulder. She looks to weight as much as I do. A solid 200lbs. She is about 6 and 1/2 feet long from nose to tail.

Staring into her eyes a memory stirs in the back of my mind. I stand up slowly to look over her. She is white with a tawny colored back. There are golden swirls in her fur. I guess to represent her markings. I blink. I know I have seen this wolf before. A long time ago. Before I was with Kaira.

I'm a child smiling and laughing. There is a white tawny colored wolf jumping and playing around me. The wolf drops low then jumps up and licks me. I fall and giggle at its playfulness.

There is a woman standing me laughing at the wolf and I's antics. She looks like Ezzy only her hair is different. I truly believe that she is Ezzy. A younger woman is standing next her watching.

"Adit, don't hurt her," Ezzy lookalike says.

Snapping back to reality, I look at wolf Adit. She tilts her head and lays down next to me. Her eyes are telling that she is waiting. I look around the area and it feels like I have been here before.

I walk on wobbly legs to the edge of the cliff.

"Ah huh, don't walk out too far," Adit says.

"Adi fly," I say jumping a little.

Adit smiles down at me.

"You want me to fly?" She asks me.

I nod my head

She looks over my shoulder and Ezzy lookalike appears.

Adit starts to undress as lookalike takes my hand.

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