I loved you

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I move down to kiss and suck on her neck. Keeping my hands moving along her body to calm her and keep her relaxed. All this kissing has made my baby want release and I believe I can do this with going all the way. Sucking the skin just over her pulse into my mouth running my tongue over it. Kissing my way back up her throat. I move my hands down again to start massaging her ass. With each pass I let me fingertips trail down closer to her pussy. She starts pushing back on my hand.

"trust me baby I got you." I say against her lips.

Sitting us both up where she is now straddling my thighs. I continue to keep my hands moving on her body. Rubbing her back legs and ass. Her hands are tangling themselves in my shirt.

"baby please take your shirt off I want to feel you."

I comply with her request. Running her hands down my back causing goosebumps to appear over my flesh. She is kissing me with more intensity now. I trial my fingers down her chest to her stomach feeling the muscles there twitch. I begin moving my hand lower to where I can feel her heat radiating through her panties. A quick thanks to whoever invented skirts. I don't want to frighten her to i move my thumb slowly over her pussy pressing in to caress her clit. She moans and bites on my bottom lip. She body jerks up at the contact.

I move one finger letting it trail along her pantyline touching the junction with her thighs and her pussy meets. I slip that finger inside her panties feeling her wetness I moan into her mouth at the feel of her wet flesh. She nails are scratching my back. I pull back to look into her eyes

"trust me" I tell her as I move my hand completely over her pussy. Following the natural curve I let me fingertip play with her entrance letting her know I am not going to penetrate her. She starts rocking her hips against my fingertips. Its an awkward position to be in but a manage to move my thumb to her clit before trapping it between my fingers. Moving my hand in slow circular movements, I keep my fingertips at her opening. She is kissing me in desperation now. Her little hands balled into fists pounding against my shoulders now and then. I control her hips with my other hand.

Kissing back down her neck to nibble and suck on her pulse. Her pussy is getting wetter for me. Her moans more continuous. Her body is starting to shake uncontrollably. The sounds of her moans and cries fill the living room. Suddenly she stiffens as her pussy floods my hand. I can feel her opening closing and pulsing against my fingertip. Feeling her clit twitching between my fingers.   

The feel of her wetness in my hand I slowly pull my hand out of her panties. I bring it up to my mouth to taste her. Licking my hand and fingers my body constricts in pain. It is like my blood has been set on fire. My skin feels tight over my muscles and bones. I want more. Kissing her I ask no I plead "can I taste you at your source?"


Standing up with her in my arms I carry her to the bedroom. She wraps her legs around my waist as I head up the stairs. She is grinding pussy against my stomach. I know she is not ready for more  than I plan to do but I want to make sure she is OK with it.

"you trust me baby? You know I'm not going to do anything you're not ready for?"

She nods her head and continuous to kiss me. Getting to my room is more difficult than planned cause she is once again wrecking havoc on my senses. My knees go weak as her hands and her lips feel like they are everywhere. My body feels like it is about to either spontaneously combust or rip apart at the seams. I don't think I have ever been this taunt before.

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