The Calm Before

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As we walk to up to the club, well we are walking, Adit is bopping. The beginning bass drops to Levi High by Dani Leigh ft Da Baby is playing. Adit's clothes are still stained with blood and dirty. The bouncer steps up to stop her, she simply waves her hand as he goes slamming into the building behind him.

Once we are in the building Adit's turns and waves her hand across the entrance. I look over at Hot Fry.

"She has sealed the entrance," she explains. "No one can get in or out."

Adit continues to bop her way through the building to the main floor. People scattered about stop to look at her. Some sniffing the air and hissing. Adit just smiles as she dances her way to the middle of the dance floor. You can see the air around her change as she gathers strength and mentally shoves people off the floor around her. Still dancing to the beat, she brings a certain few to the center with her. Others try to join in to help them. The guys separate away from me and keep the crowd back.

Adit starts snapping and bopping more as Dani Leigh fades out, seemingly completely unaware of what's happening around her. She raises her hand and the chosen few are held still in midair.

"Hey DJ," she calls out. "You have Big Gangsta by Kevin Gates? Play that next please." Dancing around the ones held in place. Sliding around the dance floor, she pauses and pats herself down, like she is searching for something.

"Adit," Raven calls to her tossing her a pack.

Adit easily catches it and shakes out a joint. Walking around the circle as she lights it. Inhaling deeply. The snarls and jeers from the crowd doesn't affect her in the least. As she starts to shuffling to Kevin Gates.

"As you can undoubtedly tell, I've had a busy morning," she says to them. She looks around at the guys. "Pixie I need a drink please."

Pixie rolls her eyes smirking as she leaves to get Adit a drink. Adit pauses her speech and goes back to dancing around. Purposely feeling the air with scent of Tanjir that lingers on her. Her still are black but they are glowing. Like a star at midnight. "Trill luv, DJ please."

Pixie returns with the drink and hands it to Adit. She takes a sip and exhales. "Ok, where was I? Yes, I've had a rough morning. And you," she says looking at the people floating in the center with her, "have all played a hand in it."

The building rumbles around us. The rafters are shaking. Adit looks towards the entrance and smiles. It is a dark sinister smile. One that bears a promise of things to come. She turns and stands in front of one of the bodies. Slowly she raises her hand and taps the person on their temple. Muffled screams can be heard from the being. One by one she does the same to the rest.

"Hey DJ, go back to that Counting Bodies -A Perfect Circle would you please." She says as the beings continue to writhe and scream. "The pain that you are feeling, is the pain you placed on a young woman under my protection as you violated her."

"Oh fuck," one groans out, "We didn't know."

"LIAR," Adit yells. "My scent was all over her. She wore my mark." She steps back, her face scrunched up in anger. She pulls from her joint and calms herself. "Doesn't matter. I don't tolerate the infliction that placed on her or any woman."

"Please," another begs. "Please, we were just following orders."

"Were you now?" Adit asks raising her glass to her lips. She takes a drink, finishing off the glass. Her dark eyes scanning the around until they land on me. Tilting her head and then a split second later she is on the last one that spoke. Sinking her fangs into them, before her hand goes through the ribcage.

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