Woe Is Me

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"Adit brought me to the village?" Kaira asks, raising a shaking hand to her face.

Peter nods than seems to remember that she can't see him.

"Yes. She carried you into the village herself. And handed you over to Ezzy." He says before downing his drink and raising his hand for another one. "Not even a day after she brought you, she left."

Kaira looks to have entered a catatonic state. I don't know what's going through her head right now. Looking at Peter I  decide to take over the questions.

"Do you know where she went?" I ask.

"Uh hmm well some speculated she went back to where she came from. Others said she went to finish what she had started here. No one but Ezzy knew. Years later Ezzy told me she went to the colonies well America." He says.

"What did she start here?" I ask him.

"She started freeing slaves." He answers. "Slaves being brought here through the port."

"Please explain."

"When Adit first arrived in our village, she was lost and fueled with rage. She would go off and hunt. Coming back with enough food to last us weeks. But it wasn't enough to calm her down." He says sipping more on his drink. "She used to go up the mountain and watch the seas. I guess one day while out there she finally saw slavers. I don't know what happened that day. But I will never forget what I saw the day after. Nothing but death and destruction. And to know that one person was the cause of all that. I knew never to cross her."

Feeling a chill run down my spine, I look at Kaira. She seems to be taking it all in. Granted she hasn't said anything since finding out that Adit was the one to bring her into the village. She has lost that dazed look in her eyes though.
Looking back at Peter.

"What do you mean destruction?" I ask fearing the answer.

He seems to pick up on my tribulation. Cocking an eyebrow along with his head as he finishes his drink. Running his hands through his hair and down his face he sighs.

"Ships as far as the eyes can see were destroyed. Almost as if they were trapped in some kind of storm. As more and more pieces washed up on shore, you knew, whoever was on board didn't stand a chance. There was no way in hell of them making it." He says. I think he is debating whether or not to get another drink. "It was almost like everytime she went up on that mountain more people arrived. She never hurt the innocent people." Looking at Kaira, he continues. "The night she brought you it was only you. Not the boat loads of people normally walking into the village with her." He says.

I take a moment to go over what I have learned about Adit. And everything scares the fuck out of me. Because everything points to one thing. She wants Kaira. And I don't know how I am supposed to fight her on that. But I'll die doing so.

"Now," Peter says, "do you want to tell me now why you are asking about Adit?"

Kaira takes a deep breath. Squaring her shoulders I know she is back in the game.

"Adit paid us a few visits." She simply says.

The sharp intake of breath that Peter takes cannot be mistaken. His widen as he looks back and forth between Kaira and I. I can hear his heartbeat quicken. He looks to be in a state of fear or denial. He tries to get words out before he breathes in deeply.

"What did she say?" He asks.

Kaira turns to me before looking back at him.

"That our child is her reason to live." She whispers.

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